Long Lost Memories Part 1

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A/N: Thats right I'm back bitches!!!! I'm back and better than ever with new story ideas and a baby to give me all the motivation I need to write so without further delay I give you this beautiful story that will make you sad and happy all at once!

@sourgirllll I really ran with this idea and I can't wait to see what you think of it!

Tony's POV

I sighed for the hundredth time as I open the door to my daughter's room and then my son's. Its been hard the last few months without her but there's nothing I can do to make any of it better for myself or my kids, our kids. "Alright kiddos, what are we having for breakfast today?" I clap my hands together and wait for their answer.

My daughter is the first to speak up "Waffles?" she asks, almost seeming scared to say anything else. "Like mom used to make?" she continues, scanning my face for any sign of anger or sadness.

 I sigh and smile at her. "Sure baby, that sound good to you Owen?" 

Owen nods and smiles at me. I start pulling everything out to make the waffles they requested. As I'm pulling out the recipe card so I can get started I hear them giggling and whispering behind my back. "What are you two doing back there?" I can tell I startled them because the whispering and giggling stops as soon as I get the first few words out of my mouth.

"Dad, we were wondering if you could tell us a story?" Owen asks, almost stumbling over his words with how nervous he was.

" A story, huh?" About what?" I smile at them and wait for the answer from Owen but it doesn't come, instead my daughter, Raven, is the one to speak up once again.

"We want to her about how you met mom and about when you guys got married and started dating, I want to hear all of it." Raven says so quietly I almost couldn't hear her.

I pause and my throat goes dry. I take a deep breath before turning to face them, the kids that I loved so much because they looked so much like their mother it's scary. "Umm, sure. I cant ell you that story, but how about I tell you mom's version."


Your POV

"Are you ready for your first day at your new school?" Your mom asks you visibly more excited than you were about the whole ordeal.

"Yeah sure I guess." You reply with an eye roll to show your mom just how pissed off you were about the whole situation. 

"Don't give me that attitude, you wouldn't have had to switch schools if you hadn't gotten in another fight with those girls." Your mom looks at you and puts her hands on her hips.

"I already told you that they started it by picking on Sara."

"Thats not a good enough reason, I understand that she's your friend but you can't be starting fights." 

You roll your eyes and walk out the door to the bus stop, you change your mind as you reach the bus stop and keep walking to school. As you're walking you hear the rumble of a car engine behind you. You look back to see a cherry red 68 For Mustang. You stop walking to get a better look at the car. Once you stop walking the car slows down before coming to a stop right next to you. You catch a glimpse of the driver and your heart stops for a couple beats. He's hispanic, with jet black hair that he seemed to have styled so carefully and carelessly all at once. He's wearing a leather jacket and has a tattoo of three stars behind his ear. After catching a glimpse of the tattoo you can't help but wonder if he has anymore and then your mind begins wandering other places. You blush as you realize he's been talking to you this whole time. "I'm sorry what did you say?" 

He laughs. " It's all good." He smiles at you, smirking when he realizes you're blushing. " I asked you if you were new in town?"

"Oh yeah, My mom and I just moved here a week ago." 

"Oh, I haven't seen you around much or at all for that matter, are you homeschooled or something?" He asks, looking you up and down.

"Um, no offense but I don't even know your name so I don't see how that's any of your business." You roll your eyes when he starts to smile.

"Oh shit my bad, I'm Tony. Tony Padilla." He stretches his hand across the passenger side for you to shake.

You shake his hand. " I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

" Nice to meet you." Tony says.

You too!" You realize you sound a little to enthusiastic and try to calm your self down. 

Tony smiles at you and puts the car in park. He gets out of his car and comes around to stand by you on the sidewalk. "I believe you have a question to answer." He nudges your shoulder with his own.

You roll your eyes " Fine if you really must know," You start giving him a small smile. "My mom and I just moved here a week ago after we had a house fire that basically destroyed everything we owned, so my mom decided that we needed a change of pace after I got in a fight at school because a group of girls was bullying my friend, and we moved here."

Tony stares at you wide eyed for a few seconds before clearing his throat. "Wow, I'm so sorry. That's got to suck." 

"You know its only bad when I think about it. " You let out a small laugh.

Tony smiles at you again. " So why haven't you started school yet? I mean you moved here a week ago and you still haven't started, why?"

" Oh, my mom wanted to make sure that I had everything I needed so we had to wait for the insurance check to come in the mail so we could get new furniture, clothes and school supplies." 

"That makes sense, so you're walking to school then right?" 

"Yeah, why?" 

"Because the school is like another 2 miles away from here," Tony says, leaning against his car. "And if you want a ride I am more than willing to give you one."

You stare at him, surprised at how bold he was being but also shocked by how nice he was being to someone he just met. " Um, Yeah that would be great actually." 

Tony smiles and opens the passenger door for you to climb into the car. You smile at him and get in the car, your anxiety screaming you that you're going to be kidnapped or worse. You watch as Tony walks around the car again and climbs back in the drivers seat. Tony slowly pulls the car away from the curb and takes off down the street the rumble of the engine getting slightly louder as the car speeds up. You smile to yourself, happy to have made a new friend in the short time you had been in town.

Tony Padilla ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum