Chapter 25

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Playing Fire Emblem Fates And lemme just say I love Elise and Azura so much ;-;|

Trigger Warning

Emilie laughed along with Remy. Looking through all Remy's photos of Roman

"This one!" Remy couldn't stop his giggled "ohh babe." It was a picture of Roman with eyeliner wearing all black.

"During his one week emo phase ohmygod!"

Emilie burst out laughing at the site "He had an emo phase?! Really?!"

"Yeah! Oh I snapped him out of it sooo fast though," Remy scrollled through his pictures, Emilie kept his eyes averted in case he would see something...ahem. "This one!"

Emilie looked and saw Roman, with bright pink hair.

"He looks so cute!"

"Right?! I have no idea why he died it back! It was supposed to be red but the barber fucked up."

They continued gushing on. Emilie printing out a couple of the pictures as an anniversary present for Roman.


Deceit locked the door and walked over to Virgil. Giving him a quick kiss. "What do you want for dinner, honey?"

"Whatever." Virgil said nonchalantly


After they had dinner, Deceit approached Virgil. "Hey Virgil...I was thinking." He grabbed Virgil's hand. "It's been awhile since we've had sex."

Virgil turned a crimson "f-for a reason!" He shoved Deceit away from himself.

"Why's that?"

"Because we broke up!"

Deceit chuckled "oh yeah, I forgot about that, in all honesty."

The emo crosses his Arms and frowned.

"I'm better now! Here-" Deceit picked up a flower in a nearby vase "Ask me what color is this flower?"

Virgil glanced at it before taking a different flower out "What color is this flower?"


Virgil nodded "So close to messing up!"

"Well I haven't practiced with that flower."

Virgil sat down on the couch "No sex until after awhile."

"Alright I can wait."

Virgil shuffled through Remus's collection of Disney movies.

"Remember that man you were ssstaring at at that party?"

Virgil glanced up "oh yeah he was hot."

Deceits blood boiled "you can't do that I'm you boyfriend."

Virgil sighed "Stop telling me what to do."

"I do as I please."

"That's exactly why I broke up with you!" Anxiety tried to keep his voice down

"Try me bitch!" Deceit yelled, getting in Virgil's face.

Virgil slapped him.

"That's it!" Deceit shrieked.

Virgil in a sudden swift movement was picked up and shoved in the closet, the door was blocked.

"DEE! LET ME OUT!" He could feel the claustrophobia get to him the moment he was let in. He banged on the doors, rattling the handle, before giving up and collapsing into sobs.


Remus sighed walking up the stairs the next day. He glanced in and new right away what was going on. The banging closet door was evident enough.

"How long ya been in there?" Remus asked

"Get lost weirdo!"

The stinky boy grabbed his sharpie "How long?" He scribbled on a goatee

"A day, maybe two?"

"Mmm sounds sucky."

Deceit walked in "dont talk to my cap-boyfriend."

"Geez you've gotten possessive~ I like it~"

"Go be gross in your room please."

Remus walked up the stairs to his room, complying wordlessly with Deceits wish.

Awkward Antics [Sanders Sides Highschool AU] Prinxiety+LogicalityWhere stories live. Discover now