Chapter 11

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Roman got a text from Patton.

Hey Ro Sorry but I need your help
Sent from Daddy at 4:56 PM

What do you need broskee

Sent from Daddy at 4:56 PM

Don't worry about it

Ok well, Virgils birthday is in 6 days and IDK what to get him!
Sent from Daddy at 4:56 PM

What do you want me to do about it

Ask him what he wants
Sent from Daddy at 4:56 PM

That's like the opposite of smooth

I didn't care whether it was smooth or not?
Sent from Daddy at 4:56 PM

Does he have a soul ring?

No, but he thinks soupmates are dumb
Sent from Daddy at 4:56 PM

Soupmates? Lmao

Sent from Daddy at 4:56 PM

I want a soupmate
Sent from Daddy at 4:56 PM

Me too Pat

With Virgil and Patton at school Monday-

Virgil and Patton sat together before school started. "Hey Virgil?" pat on asked quietly.


"Do you still think soulmates are dumb?"

Virgil snickered and he ruffled Patton's hair. "A little bit, I also think their kind of sweet."

Patton smiled at this "If you found your soupmate, "

Virgil turned his head "soupmate?"

Patton giggled "Sorry! I meant soulmate... If you met your soulmate would you be happy?"

Virgil nodded yes. That's when Patton decided he had to get Virgil a soul Ring.


Patton skipped into Mr. Berry's classroom. His crush had grown significantly over the weekend. He sat at his desk and moved his legs back and forth, a small smile on his face.

Logan after class stopped Patton. "I noticed you were doing homework from another teachers class. Please refrain from doing so again in the future."

Patton immediately burst into tears.

Logan after calming down Patton has sat him down at his desk.

"i-I'm so sorry..." pat sniffled out weakly.

"Don't worry about it." Logan said with a smiled handing Patton a tissue.

Patton explained that he was terrible at maty and that his teacher had gotten mad at him for falling asleep in class and had assigned him an impossible amount of homework.

Logan smiled at Patton as he explained his circumstances.

"What if I give you some assistance?" he offered and Patton's eyes widened in shock.

"Really? You'd do that for me? Are you sure?" Patton said, a small blush on his face.

Logan nodded.

Patton and Logan walked to the front gate where they met up with Roman and Virgil.

"Hey?" Virgil asked confused

"Mr. Berry is coming over to my place to help me with my math problem!"

Virgil looked Logan up and down "I'm coming too."

Logan was confused by this "Why?"

Virgil took his middle finger and put it through an ok sign.

Logan and Roman both blushed wildly.

Roman sighed "Remy isn't feeling too good so my butler will be driving us."

"You have a butler?" Virgil asked with a smirk

Roman nodded blushing "Its a little embarrassing."

A white limousine pulled into the school driveway.

"That's us." roman sighed as he hopped down and began casually walking to the limo.

Virgils jaw dropped and he walked slowly over to the limo.


"I didn't know you had a butler or a limo!" Virgil gasped and Roman rolled his eyes

"I don't want you to like me just because I'm rich!" Roman explained

Virgil smirked "Oh trust me I still fucking hate you."

Roman smiled back at that.

Awkward Antics [Sanders Sides Highschool AU] Prinxiety+LogicalityWhere stories live. Discover now