Chapter 20

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Ten dollars for you know who You are...;-;|

Deceit waited in the cafe for Roman, Virgil, and Emilie to arrive.

Roman, Virgil, and Emilie walked in together. Roman and Emilie gushed on and on about Disney with one another. Excited to talk about cartoons with one another.

Deceit waved them over...Virgil groaned in anticipation.

Virgil sat next to Deceit. He felt an arm slither around his waist. Roman and Picani didn't notice Virgil's discomfort.

"So! I have an amazing idea! What if we all tie our shoelaces together while wearing heelies...and then we heelie all at once!" Roman suggested and Emilie immediately agreed.

"That is an...awful idea." Deceit sighed and Virgil nodded.

Roman gasped "No! It is certainly not! You...snake...face..."

"Making fun of someone who is disfigured? I thought better if you Roman!" Deceit pretended to be hurt, dramatically putting a hand to his chest

"W-what?! No! I didn't mean to-"

"He knows that." Virgil sighed out, Deceit gave Virgil a smirk.

"You look nice today..." the liar whispered into Virgils ear seductively, Virgil shivered.

"I know." he whispered back, trying to keep his composure.

Deceit couldn't hide his wicked grin as he continued chatting with the others.

Once they all ate their food, Roman paid and they left.

They were all walking down the street. "I'm just saying we should stop by the park for the photos! I look so good right now and I need to take advantage of it."

Emilie smiled "Okay! You do look nice. Virgil? Deceit? You oka with that?"

Virgil shrugged. Deceit shook his head no. Then said 'Sorry force of habit' and then he shook his head yes.

Roman was about to celebrate when he noticed something "My Ring!"

Everyone looked, it was a solid color, Pink.

Roman and Emilie were soulmates.

Emilie gasped, he didn't have a soul ring so he was excited when he saw the news. "This is amazing!" he squealed giving Roman a hug.

Virgil and Deceit both made disgusted noises.

Deceit turned to Virgil and unclicked his locket.

It was also a solid color, Green.

"Oh~ You know what that means~" Deceit cooed as he hovered over Virgil.

Virgil felt tense. No. No way. Deceit can't be his soulmate...right? He remembered how Deceit treated him, as a slave. He shivered. Hot tears stung the corners of his eyes. He had started shaking.

Fucking idiot. You can't have a panic attack here

Virgil focused on his breathing, breath in  123 breath out 123 breath in 123 breath out 123.

He was calming down now. He hated that Deceit was now holding hands with his own, he wanted to scream. His color had changed from green to a mixture of Blue, Purple, and Orange. He snapped it shut, not wanting the others to know.

He wiped the tears and let Deceit lead him into the park for Roman's photos.


Remus hummed gently as he cleaned his countertops.

Something felt...wrong.



Roman and Emilie entered Roman's large house, Emilie admired how amazing it was.

When they made it to the bedroom. They sat down and watched Cartoons, well not entirely.

They weren't paying much attention to the cartoons.

They were making out.


Roman had a secret. Something that was extremely embarrassing for him, he would never admit it but...

He was a virgin.

He's so horny! He just wants to have sex once that way when all the popular kids are bragging he'll have something to put on the table!

It's more than bragging though, his hormones are fucking on fire in his body . He feels ridiculous being so desperate, but Goddamn it, he's been horny for years and now is his time to shine!


They only made out. Emilie didn't want to go any farther, which Roman was okay with. Emilie said he at least wanted to wait until the third date.

Roman didn't mind or complain. He was just happy he had gotten something to appease the hormone gods living inside his body.

Prince Roman is one horny motherfucker.

Awkward Antics [Sanders Sides Highschool AU] Prinxiety+LogicalityWhere stories live. Discover now