Chapter 9

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The next day-

Patton skipped out holding another box and handed it to Virgil.

Virgil sighed and began to look through it.

Virgil's POV-
A tin can full of heart-shaped cookies, that's fine.

A daffodil, another poem, a picture of cats...and a...I'm going to fucking murder Roman.
Third Person-
Virgil handed the box back to Patton. Who smiled and opened it before shoving it in his mailbox for later.

They then began to walk to school.

Patton was wearing pants that day like the manly man he is.


Roman approaches there table with a smile before sitting down next to Patton. "Hello baby~"

"I'm not a baby? I'm a dad!"

Roman cringed "Right so-"

Virgil interrupted him "We need to talk prince not so charming. Outside. Now."

"Geez, Mom," Roman said sarcastically but he still complied.

Virgil held up the dick that Roman has sculpted out of clay that had the engraving 'For Patton'. "Why the fuck would you send him this? You know I would've seen it anyway!"

"Hey, you gotta admit it's realistic. Besides you were the one who gave me the clay in the first place!"

Virgil gave Roman a small lecture before tossing the small dick sculpture in the garbage. "My dick!" Roman whined which earned a smirk from Virgil.

Patton nibbles on his cookie and tried to draw a dog on his cheap school paper.

Roman and Virgil walk back in the classroom and all of them start talking to one another.


Later at Drama class-

Roman's partner still wasn't better so Roman continued to help Virgil paint. Virgil noticed something.

"Your Soul Ring™️..." he whispered

"Yeah what about it?"

"It's white," Virgil said curiously

"Yeah and?"

"When two people start dating...then it
changes colors based on what emotion your soulmate is feeling right?"

"What about it emo nightmare."

"You and Patton have already had your first date...meaning..."

"Oh shit!" Roman said, "He can't be my soulmate!" Roman groaned "but he's like the only one I've seen who's possible."

Virgil laughed "Thank fucking GOD. Now you can stop trying to fuck my friend."

"I-it's not funny!" Roman defended. A blush present on his cheeks.

Virgil smirked and rolled his eyes "Your soulmate is probably one of those petty popular chicks."

"What makes you say that?!"

"Just seems like your crowd, rich assholes," Virgil said with a smirk.


Roman sent Patton a text

Hey, Pat um I have some bad news...
Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:08 PM

Oh no! What happened?

Should you be texting right now?
Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:08 Pm


Oh shidosbswwjsk uh well I don't think we're soulmates
Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:08 PM

What does shidosbswwjsk mean

That was Virgil slamming his hand on my keyboard since he didn't want me to send you  that word
Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:08 PM

Send me what?
I'm confused

Don't worry about it- Virgil
Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:08 PM

Anyways I don't think we're soulmates
Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:08 PM

Oh yeah kiddo I knew that

Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:09 PM

Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:09 PM

Well no I didn't know for sure. I  was pretty sure tho
We don't really share any hobbies or anything
But there was a small chance so that's why I dated you

Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:09 PM

I'm gonna go cry
Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:09 PM

I'm sorry!

I'm just bummed that I can't fajsjsj damnit Virgil
Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:09 PM


Anyways, I'll still drive you guys home
Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:09 PM

Really? Are you sure?

Yea you're not my soulmate but you are my friend
Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:09 PM


No prob Pat
Sent from Roman 👑 at 2:10 PM


Roman after driving Patton and Virgil home sat down on his own bed and thought.

Roman would never admit it but...he really liked Patton and Virgil.

He didn't want to just cut them out of his life because they knew him. They spoke to him like a real person.

Everyone he knew only spoke to him to either get closer to Remy or because he was the president of the drama club. Most kids didn't even know his name. So having Virgil and Patton around, despite them being fucking losers, was nice.




"Virgil has recently started talking to Remy."

"Remy deprived?" Remus gasped "Ooo he's fucking hot I wish I were Virgil."

"Shut the fuck up dimwit."

Remus giggled at the nickname.

"Now, listen well. We ssssshould talk to we did with that fucking crossssss dressing freak...but actually sssssssucceed." Deceit glared daggers at Remus

"Eh, no guarantees."

"Thatssss why I'll be doing it myssssself."

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