Chapter 34

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Continuation of gay aliens on Chap 37.

Remus opened the cupboard Roman had been hiding in.

"SUP BIG BRO!" He screeched pulling Roman out and shoving him onto the floor.

"Ow!" Roman grunted in pain. Remus aimed his gloc at Roman's head.

Roman looked up annoyed "Put it down!"

"No!" Remus sneered

"I don't even want the company!" Roman said in frustration, looking down and his now dirty white pants.

"Well then don't take it." His twin spun his gun and tucked it away, reaching out a hand for him to take.

Roman groaned "I wish I that was an option." He looked down to the semi-dirty floor.

"Hey... I have an idea."

That gave Roman hope, but the evil green on the other boys face only made him more worried.

" it."

Remus took out his phone and showed Roman an image.

" genius!" Roman said smiling profusely.

"Yeah, I know, so let's get to work!"


Patton watched Logan intently, his handsome face was so nice looking...

He crossed his legs, his skirt was too short for his liking, a little brown skirt which Remy And Picani insisted he wear today for some reason.

He pulled at his skirt a little, still looking at Logan. Who was now a little closer.


"Uh yes!" He snapped to attention.

"Can you try these ones on your own?"

Patton glanced down at the problem sheet, it was pretty easy.

"Yup!" He smiled giving Logan a small hug which Logan didn't return, seemingly deep in thought.

Logan coughed and asked to be excused to the bathroom, Patton nodded in response. The teacher seemed to be blushing.


Logan's POV-

I walked out and took a deep breath. Staring down at my phone.

I've had this weird feeling since last week.

Patton's teacher must've made Patton's test deliberately harder.

For starters, Ms. Stericht handed them all out personally, and also made sure to give Patton a test blocker.

Then, Patton got a low score and didn't know any of the math, when Logan was certain he knew it the day before.

Looking over his test, it was nearly impossible for her to have expected him to know this.

It had WAY too much and also...only contained subtraction as a part of it, as in no addition was present whatsoever in the test.


Spite? Just because? To challenge him?

He had a feeling she was just being a
infinitesimal bitch.

He dialled her number, which he had gotten from another teacher, and held his breath in Wait.


Virgil cuddled up to his pillow, loving the warmth.

"Virgil!" His Mother screamed from downstairs

She rushed in the room, she looked more old than usual.

"Virgil! What the hell is this?!" she held out her phone and he saw an image of himself with the caption 'I like dic and balls' over the top.

He frowned "Bullies are so dumb."

"Explain!" She shrieked

"Okay, Okay..." he explained to her how bullies work

She seemed relieved after learning it was just a prank, and went downstairs.

Awkward Antics [Sanders Sides Highschool AU] Prinxiety+LogicalityWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu