Chapter 22

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The party raged on.

Loudly, Emilie and Roman made out on a table. Both incredibly drunk.

Remy danced surrounded by interesting candidates. He was not drunk since he was driving everyone home.

Virgil would be having fun if it weren't for Deceit watching him like a hawk the entire party.

Remy tapped him on the shoulder and invited them both to a game.

They all went upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms and began playing Never Have I Ever.


"Okay! So..." Roman could barely keep his composure with all the alcohol in his system "Never i- have I ever- been...had...went to...been in art."

Remy sighed "Boring! If we aren't going to make people drink for this game than we at least have to make the questions interesting!"

"I have one!" Deceit offered


"Never have I ever had Sex."

The room went quiet. Virgil turned his head questioningly to Deceit who merely smirked.

Roman was a bright red "Bro, I've had sex! S-so much sex!" He slurred out defensively in his drunken state

Emilie smiled weakly, also very drunk. He knew Roman has never fucked anything that breaths but decided not to expose him.

Remy groaned "I haven't cause I just haven't found the right dick." He complained to no one in particular

"I'm so glad Patton isn't here." Emilie said with a blush "He wouldn't survive." That earned a nod from Virgil.


Patton ran down the sidewalk, sprinting almost, crying hysterically. He finally had it, enough money.

Tears streamed down his face as he held the jar in his hands. Eight Hundred and Seventeen Dollars Exactly were in this Jar. He couldn't be happier.

He would finally make it up to his mother.

Patton's mother pawned off everything she owned before she died in a fruitless attempt to get money for her surgeries. Patton could vividly remember how she sobbed after being forced to sell the last thing his father had given her before he died.

He stared at the picture on his phone. The white flower hair clip with the light blue, dark blue, pink, and yellow accents. The pearls adorning it complemented her well. It's gems shining in the cool summer light.

He smiled at the thought.

He ran into the shop "Mr. Wang!" He gasped out. He hadn't realized he had run here until after he had done it. "I have money! Do you have the clip?!"

Mr. Wang looked up at him incredulously "Yeah. I do." He said Patton could barely understand him through his thick accent.

Patton ran up and put the jar on the table.
"Eight hundred Dollars!" He was panting and his legs ached.

He got to counting up the money. Then recounting. Then recounting again. "You have enough" he sighed. Reluctantly handing Patton the clip.

"Yes!" Patton gasped, barely able to form words. He had it. Something of his mothers was finally his. Tears slipped down his cheeks. He held it close.

Mr. Wang gave him the change and sent Patton on his way.

Years. It had taken him years to save up that money, years of pain. Praying no one else would buy it.

The relief he felt was almost unbearable.

He had asked for his Aunt to give him the weeks worth of food money so he could get it that day. He didn't tell her, of course. Now he only had seven dollars to use on food for the entire week. He didn't care, he was so happy to have her clip.

He clutched it, running up the stairs and into his apartment.

Before buying Virgil's Soul Ring, he had decided he would sell his own. So that he could get this for his mother. Even though it devastated him to lose the sliver of happiness of being so close to your soulmate. Looking for them, trying to love them. He knew he had too, so he did.

He slammed the door, running to his closet he placed it next to the photo of her. Smiling brightly.

He glanced down. Removing his list of objectives off the wall.

Patton's Objectives:
2) Doggie
3) The dress

Patton frowned. He crossed out 'The clip' and wrote in 'Soul Ring'. Back to square one. He thumbtacked it back on the wall and walked over to his bed, collapsing.


Virgil looked at the extremely handsome boy who had just walked in, and man was he Virgil's type. Virgil could feel a blush tingle on his cheeks

Deceit stared at his boyfriend, jealousy in his system. When Virgil turned he slipped something... Special into his drink.


Virgil awoke in the upstairs room, Deceit sleeping at his side.

He glanced over and was met with Deceits ugly face, he cringed. Getting up he tried to ignore the protests of his body. To never move again.

He went to the bathroom quickly and quietly to relieve himself and calm down. His heart raced for unknown reasons.

Virgil walked out of the bedroom and shut the door. Where he saw Roman cleaning up.

"Hello!" Roman greeted cheerily.

"Hey Roman. You seem giddy."

"Guess What?! Guess what?!"

"What?" Virgil tone was annoyed but he was actually enjoying Romans company

"I totally got a handjob last night!" He squeals, pulling Virgil into a hug

"Eugh!" The emo pushes Roman away "Gross...I thought you said 'you get lots of sex?' Why is a handjob giving you a stroke?"

Roman gasped "I never said that!" He noticed Virgil's look

Roman stared at Virgil, it sunk in.

Awkward Antics [Sanders Sides Highschool AU] Prinxiety+LogicalityKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat