Chapter 38

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   The next day, Morgan gives the announcement that it is safe to leave now, but we are not to be out after dark or alone. When the question is asked why we were being quarantined, Morgan refuses to answer.

At breakfast I sit by Colin. "Hey, do you wanna go into town with me?" I ask when there is a lull in the conversation around us.

"Actually, I have to go out with Decker this morning. Maybe you should just stay in today. We can hang out later. If you'd like."

"Okay," something seemed off. Why doesn't he want to leave the university with me? Does he not want to spend time with me? Or does he not want me to leave the building.

"Actually, I think I'll be busy then."

"Maybe some other time." He agrees.

I know I just blew him off, but he did it first. I know that is petty, but I can't help it. His distrust is aggravating so I will be as petty as I please.

I finish my breakfast quickly and hurry off to find Savannah. I know she'll go to town with me and she was nowhere in the dining hall when Colin told me to stay inside. If she had heard she would have sided with him and I'd have no one to leave campus with.

I find her in her room. She quickly agrees and she has a secret to share with me.

"What is it?" I inquire.

"I have to show you." She excitedly takes my hand and leads me briskly through the halls to a garage.

"What is it?" I ask, looking over an odd contraption with handles and two wheels.

"It's a bike!" She chirps.

"A... what?"

"A bike. Here let me show you." She presses a button on the wall and a vertical door opens the side of the garage. She sits on a small seat and explains that you put your feet on the petals and you pump to go. She says to use the handles to steer and a lever under her hand will stop it. "There's one here for you too. Last week I found a red one for you. I was going to show you last week but then we were stuck inside, and I didn't want to temp you..."

She trails off as she realizes that she started to say something wrong. Her face turns red as she turns to face me.

"It's okay," I reassure her. "I know I have to earn people's trust. I'm not offended."

I've realized that I am in similar shoes to the rebels. While I don't know them and it has taken me time to trust each one of them, they have each had to do the same with me. Being naive is what causes people to get caught.

Savannah hands me the red bike. She gets on a lie green one that complements her cream dress with lime green lace. I have a shaky start, nearly topling a dozen times despite Savannah's advice, of course as soon as I falter she lets loose a string of giggles. Thankfully our path is basically a straight shot from the university, otherwise I'm not sure I could have gotten the hang of riding. Staying up while pedaling is one thing. It's a whole different story once you factor in steering.

I am relieved once we make it into town. Savannah takes me to a magazine shop.

"It's locked up tight." Savannah says after trying all of the doors, windows and trying to find loose nails on some of the boarded up windows.

"What should we do now?" I ask

"Don't give up so easily, Nova. Nothing is ever locked. I'll get us in just give me a minute." She pulls a pin from her hair, sending a braid down her shoulder and walks around the back.

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