Chapter 34

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   Savannah is starting to grow on me. Right off the bat, I didn't like her. Although, before I knew that she was Colin's sister, I was jealous of how close they were. Now I know that they are close for a different reason. I guess I had already decided not to like her and so when I met her, my mind was made up and there was no possible way for us to be friends.

I'm still jealous of their closeness I guess. I just wish that kind of love for myself. Family has a deep meaning that I just can't comprehend.

I wonder if people took it for granted before the Districts were in place. I don't know what it is that ties a family together, blood, loyalty, but there is a bond there, something unspoken, something unbreakable.

Colin, Kaden and Kane enter the building, ripping me from my thoughts.

I turn to face them as Colin says, "we're heading back to the university now."

"But we didn't even get a chance to do anything," Savannah protested.

While Savannah whines, I see Colin's hands flexed into fists and one of them is containing a tan piece of paper that is wrinkled by his clenched fingers. I know that this isn't the time to ask him about it and yet I'm curious. What could possibly be on that paper that has made everyone so irritable?

"There's no flexibility. We need to get going immediately." Kaden commands.

As a result, we all file out of the building. We walk back at a brisk pace. No one utters a word.

Clouds swirl above our heads, I notice the darkening color. We are caught in a light drizzle as we arrive at the university's front door. I look out the window to see the rain growing stronger, the clouds darker with no end in sight. There is no sun shining through the clouds in my field of vision.

The rain makes it impossible to go outside.

Nova spends the rest of the day getting her room put together with the help of the twins. After the furniture is put in, Savannah takes it upon herself to decorate Nova's room for her. She sends her off to dinner, closing her door behind her and not allowing her back in until it is finished.

Nova, with nothing better to do, takes Savannah's advice and heads down to dinner. Colin's eyes are drawn to her as she descends the stairs. I smile, not showing my teeth as I can feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

I grab a plate and see what's for dinner, ignoring the fact that I can feel Colin's eyes glued to my back. I'm sure he's just trying to read me, but his gaze makes my shoulders visibly tense. I grab a pulled pork sandwich with some carrots on the side.

I am suddenly aware of my bare shoulders as I walk to Colin's table. I changed into a maroon tank top and black leggings with slip-on shoes while I was helping move furniture around my new room. I was warm before, but now a chill runs up my arms.

"Can I sit by you?" I ask Colin.

"Always." He replies.

As I sit Colin asks, "how's your room coming along?"

"I'm not really sure. Your sister kicked me out of my room." I reply and we both intern laugh.

"I guess she wanted to decorate it herself and surprise me with her finished product. It's very sweet, really."

"I'm glad you two are finally warming up to each other."

I give a half smile. "Me too."

I quickly finished my supper and head up to my room to see if Savannah is finished. I knock on my door and in return it swings open. I leap back out of its way. It slams against the wall. I hear the hinges squeak in protest as it slowly clammers back. I gently eased the door back against the wall and cautiously head in.

"Sorry about the door." Savannah says when I walk up to her.

I look around the room with a smile as I take in her handy work. She covered my white walls with a red paisley design. She used different shades to add depth. I am amazed. She is such a talented painter to do this freehand.

I turn to her. As I thank her I take in the mess she is in. Paint everywhere, all over her grey sweatpants and white t shirt. There are streaks of paint even on her arms and face.

"Now your room is perfect." Savannah says with pride.

I help her take the sheets off of my furniture that kept them clean during painting. As I do so I say, "your brother seems to be acting normal again."

Savannah nods.

"Do you know why he acting so strange?"

"Nope, no idea," but by Savannah's tone and how she avoids my gaze that she is lying. I just have to trust that it for a good reason. I leave it at that.

I head to bed early that night. With the rain continuing it limits the amount of activity we can do. Besides, I think a good night sleep will help me process the baffling behavior that I witnessed today.

It takes me about an hour to get used to how the shadows dance in my new room. Once I relax, I fall into a deep sleep.

Remember the PastOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora