Chapter 28

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"Yukino..." I turned her around so that she was facing me. I lifted my hand up to her cheek, "Look at me... I still have feelings for you... more than I would like to admit but they are there and as much as I don't want to love you I can't help it."

"But, you're not good for me Yukino, you have to know that. I can't be with you-"

"But you can," she takes my face in her hands. Why are her hands so soft? I asked herself.

"Yukino, please don't do this to me, I don't know if I could handle it... I can't handle being hurt by you again."

"Lucy, I never wanted to hurt you, I lo-"

"I can't handle hearing that from you again," I whispered and looked away from her. "You're just going to hurt me again."

"Lucy please... it wasn't my fault, it just wasn't our time."

"And what it's our time now?"

"I'm sorry, you know my father wouldn't allow me to be with his enemies daughter," she stated, "he just wouldn't allow it."

"So you could've disobeyed him! You could've been with me, you just didn't want to!" Lucy yelled after standing back up.

"I was scared!" She yelled back, "I loved you, Lucy! I loved you more than anything in the whole world and if only I would've been brave enough to stay with you! But I wasn't, not back then, but I am now," she took her hands. "Please give me a chance, I still love you. I could never stop loving you, you know that."

"I just don't know if my heart could take that Yukino. I loved you so so much, maybe too much, but I can't, if you hurt me again, I think I would just die."

"I promise, for as long as I live I will not hurt you again. Ever. And I will wait as long as it takes for you to see that. So please just go on one date with me." She started crying.

"Yukino...I don't know what to say," she stated.

"Say yes. Give me one more chance, please, I'm begging you." Yukino stated.

"I don't know if I can do that. Just give me time,"

"I've waited 2 years what's a few more. Cause I promise you I will wait for you even if it's for the rest on my life. You're my one true love Lucy."

"You can't just say things like that..." she moved her hand to my cheek.

"Why not?" Her eyes moved down to my lips.

"I literally just told you why," I said softly, "I have to get over you and right now I don't think that I can."

"Then don't get over me. Be with me, I love you Lucy."

"Yukino... I-" I couldn't say anything, it was as if I lost my ability to speak. She looked me deep in the eyes and all the memories I had with her came rushing. "I can't keep falling in love with memories and neither should you."

"Lucy, I love you."

"No, you love the old version of me the one from freshman year. But, I have changed!" I yelled, "I'm not that girl anymore. I can't be that girl."

"Lucy, I once told you that I would love you no matter what." She paused, "you know I don't break my promises. I will love every version of you even if it has been years."

"Why won't you listen to me?" I yelled

"Because I love you!"

"Stop saying that!" I screamed at her and my voice immediately softened, "how many times do I have to tell you to stop saying that until you get it?"

"When I stop loving you," she states, "and I don't think I ever will so, I will continue to say it."

Hello again, it been a few months I'm sorry about that. I sort of fell out of fairytail but I'm kinda back. Anyways hope you enjoyed. Also you should read some of my other stories. I can't believe it's 2020 and more than a year since I first started this. Also sorry about the Yukino and Lucy thing. I wanted them to have a few moments together.

Also I was thinking about writing endings for everyone. Like she would end up with everyone and it would be different realities. Just an idea though.

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