Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV

I can't believe that Erza is in the same bed as me. We only just met tonight, at least that it's only her not everyone right.

I need to call Rogue tomorrow. Rogue is my brother, he is currently going to Sabor Tooth High (the rival school) with his boyfriend Sting. I wish that I could have stayed there with them. I am currently a junior. I came out as a lesbian at my last school but they were not very accepting. That's why I said that I was bi earlier. I never really had a girlfriend or boyfriend but I did date Sting before we both realized that we were gay.

Now I am about to sleep in the same room with a girl I just met a few hours ago. Crap what am I going to do.

Erza followed me back to my room. She had brought her own blanket and placed it on the floor next to my bed.

"You're not going to sleep on the bed?" I asked.

"No, I don't want to make you uncomfortable," she stated.

"Erza it's fine I don't want you to have a sore back for our first day of school tomorrow," I was slightly blushing as I said that I don't know why.

"If you insist," she said as she crawled onto the bed

She went under the blankets and her legs touched mine. Her skin was very soft. I felt her put an arm around me . I was tense at first but I slowly started to get more relaxed. I was very comfortable with Erza for some reason I felt a sense of protection when I was around. I felt safe with her there maybe that's why I fell asleep so easily.

I woke up the next morning before my alarm went off I forgot that  Erza had to sleep with me last night. She looked very peaceful as she slept. A few minutes later the alarm went off and Erza woke up. I acted like I just woke up as well.

"What time is it?" Erza asked still rubbing her eyes.

"5:30,"I responded remembering what time I set my alarm.

"Ok," she said, "I'm going to get ready I will see you in the kitchen ok."

"See you there."

I got into the school uniform. I should call Rogue I thought to my self. I got out my phone and dialed his number. After a few rings he picked up.

"Lucy why are you calling me it's like 5 in the morning," Rogue stated.

"I need to talk to you," I said

"Talk to me why?" He asked

"Because I just do," I said

"I'll talk to you later ," Rogue said to me.

"Don't hang up on me," I said as he hung up.

"Damn it, whatever," I said to myself.

I walked into the kitchen to see Erza eating a cake? "Erza, is that a cake?" I asked her.

"Yes do you want some?" She asked while eating some. "No, I'm ok," I told her.

I started to make some pancakes.

Levy's POV
I woke up about an half an hour ago to finish a book that bought a few days ago. I was nearly finished with the book when I smelled pancakes. I cant resist I have to go to the kitchen. I was already dressed so I closed my book. I went out to the kitchen to see Lucy, who was making the pancakes and Erza eating her cake.

"Good morning," I said to them while sitting at the table.

"Good morning," Lucy's beautiful voice was very great to hear in the morning. "I'm making pancakes how much do you think that you want?"She asked.

"I don't know," I told here, " um two maybe three." I put my book on the table and started to read it.

"What are you reading?" Erza asked curiously as she leaned over my shoulder. "Nothing!" I said quickly closing the book.

"Why did you close the book so quickly?" Erza asked quietly.

"Um..." I didn't want to tell her that I was reading a romance between two girls that would be embarrassing.
"Pancakes are ready," Lucy put down a huge stack of pancakes on the table.

"Hey Erza can you go wake everyone up?" Lucy asked.

"Yes," Erza then went into the hallway and knocked on everyone's door telling them to get up. I was sitting next to Lucy. Lisanna came out to the kitchen and she sat down on the other side of Lucy. Juvia then came out and sat across from me. Erza sat across from Lucy.

We ate our pancakes in silence until there was a knock on the door.

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