Chapter 15

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Sting POV
"Sting, wake up!" Someone yelled at me. I opened my eyes to see the love of my life shaking me.
"Five more minutes," I closed my eyes again.
"You need to get up, you have been sleeping all day and we are going to be late to dinner with Lucy and her roommates," Rogue stated.
"Fine," I groaned while getting up. I put on a white shirt and blue jeans. "Sting, it's time to leave," Rogue said walking into my room.

"Ok, I will be there in a minute," I told him while putting on my shoes. My phone vibrated telling me that I got a text. It was from Lucy.

Lucy: Are you up?


Lucy: Just making sure.

Me: We should be there in about 15 minutes.

Lucy: See you there.

I put my phone in my pocket and headed out of the door. I saw Rogue waiting for me. He took my hand and lead us to the car. We saw Minerva, the principals daughter. "Hey, where are you two going?" She asked.

"To see my sister," Rogue answered.

"You mean the one that transferred to Fairytail High?" she asked.

"Yeah that's her," He said.

"Isn't your girlfriend transferring to FT high?" I asked.

"Ex- girlfriend and yes Yukino is transferring this week." She answered my question.

"Well it was nice talking to you Minerva," I said as Rogue and I went to the car.

Lucy's POV
"Sting and Rogue are on their way," I told my roommates.
"I can't wait to meet your brother," Levy exclaimed.
"Hey if you don't mind me asking, why do you go here and he goes to what school he goes to?" Flare asked.

"Well um... I don't really know myself," I admitted, "my dad just told me to go here for some reason."

There was a knock on the door. I went up to get it and at the door stood Sting and Rogue. Rogue hugged me.
"How has my little sister been?" He asked.

"Good, how about you?" I asked while walking them in.

"Great, we made the team to participate in the games next semester," Rogue stated.

"Really that's amazing I mean you do make it every year but it's still amazing ," I said while smiling at them.

"This is Sting and Rogue," I introduced them to my friends.

They all introduced themselves. The dinner that Levy and I tried to make was a failure so we just ordered pizza, which everyone in this dorm have been having a lot but it's the only food around.

"So Rogue how long have you and Sting been dating?" Lisanna asked.

"Sophomore year I think so two years." Rogue stated looking at Sting to clarify. Sting nodded.

"So you two are seniors?" Juvia asked.

"Yes, it will be our last year at Saber Tooth High." Sting stated.

"What are your plans after you graduate ?" Erza asked.

"Um... well we are planning on getting an apartment together and possibly go to college." Rogue explained.

"That's cool," Erza stated.

"Anyway Lucy could you leave the room for a second?" Rogue asked.

"Okay, why?" I asked.

"I just want to ask some questions to your roommates," He responded.

I left the room and went into mine. I looked out the window to see a girl with short white hair. I immediately thought it was Yukino and my heart started to hurt.  It can't be her she goes to saber tooth. I won't see her again.

"Do any of you have a romantic interest in my sister?" Rogue asked bluntly.
"Rogue," Sting said sharply, "you can't just ask those types of questions."

"No, it's fine," Juvia said, "I actually do,"

"Wait I thought you loved Gray," Lisanna stated.

"I did," Juvia said.

"And you're not speaking in third person," Erza said.

"Yeah Juvia is trying to get better at speaking in first person," Juvia said.

"Ok then is it just you Juvia?" Rogue asked.

The room was silent. "Ok how about we go about this in different matter," Rogue stated, "Everyone put your head on the table and close you eyes the only person that can see your answers is me and I won't tell anyone not even Sting, who will also be participating."

Everyone except Rogue put their head down.

"First question, how many of you are attracted to the same gender," He asked.
Everyone raised their hand.

"Okay, question number 2, how many of you have kissed my sister?"

Everyone raised their hand except Juvia.

"If you did raise your hand for the last question did you enjoy it?" Rogue asked.

Everyone except Sting put up their hand.

"Okay, last question, how many of you have romantic feelings towards my sister?" Once Rogue said that everyone felt awkward vibe fly into the room. Everyone except Sting put their hand up.

I'm so sorry it took longer than a week to update. I will try my best to update but we will see how many I can put out next week my goal is 2-3 but as I said we will see. The next few chapters will be easier to write for me.

How did you like this chapter? Please tell me your thoughts.

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