Chapter 32

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Rogue's Pov

"Alright, let's get down to business," I said, "first we will review how the point system works, then I will tell you the number of points people have. Sting if you would like to explain the point system."

"Okay, so as we established at the first meeting, a kiss is one point, a make out session is 5, a date is 6, going all the way is 20 points and things like holding hands or hugging are half a point. Intimate moments/ moments that Lucy deems intimate are 3," sting explains, "and after a long argument at the second meeting, kissing includes anywhere on the body."

"Now that the points are done with I will tell you the scores so far," I said, "so far Erza has 12 points so Natsu please remember that."

"Hell yeah Erza," Nastu exclaimed.

"Juvia has 5," I said and gray looked a little disappointed, "Lisanna has 3." Cana shook her head at the results so far. "Flare has a surprising 11 points," Mira looks pleasantly surprised.

"Yukino has 1 point and is currently in last place, and Levy is at 15 and currently resides in first."

"Why is Levy always in the lead?" Gray asked sitting up a little straighter.

"That's a good question Gray, I wish I could tell you," I state, "Levy is making the most moves but as far as I know for the last two weeks she's been completely avoiding Lucy."

"Yeah, Erza told me about that," Natsu said, "Apparently, Flare and Lucy went on a date or something but Lucy came back with Levy, she said that something was off with them once they got back , something must've happened," he finished.

"Something definitely happened," I said under my breath, "I'm just not allowed to tell you..."

"Hey Rogue?" Cana asked, I could tell she was a little tipsy already.


"Why did you choose Levy? Out of all the people, why her?"

"Well umm, Levy is the safest and the best choice for Lucy. At least in my eyes, Levy genuinely cares about her. I'm not so sure I can say the same for the others. I think they might just be extremely attracted to Lucy."

"Then why is she avoiding her?"

"Easy, she's in love with her, thats why she's been avoiding Lucy," I stated simply.

"But that doesn't make any sense," Cana jumped in, "If you love someone then wouldn't you want to spend as much time as possible with them? Cause I know I do," she looked at Mira who blushed at her.

"Well she probably doesn't want to confess and being around my sister wouldn't help the whole keeping it to herself. I think that she's scared of getting rejected or Lucy not feeling the same way. I know how that feels," I smiled looking at Sting, "During the time, I was so scared to say I love you to Sting. I had no idea if he felt the same way and if he didn't, I don't even know how much that would've hurt."

"Wait, you were scared to say I love you to me?" Sting asked.

"Of course, I was," I paused, "it was a big deal for me considering, I was known as heartless by basically everyone but you and Lucy."

"I was terrified to confess to you, Mira," Cana chuckled awkwardly.

"What? You can't be serious, you? You're never scared," Mira smiled.

"I'm actually pretty scared right now, I actually wasn't planning on doing this until a little later, but here goes nothing," Cana stands up and walks over to a drawer in the kitchen, "Mira you are my best friend and the love of my life, I could never ask for a better soulmate, so," she gets down on one knee,

"Oh my god, this can't be happening right now," Mira put her hands over her mouth.

"Will you spend the rest of your life with me, as my wife?" She asked opening the box to reveal a ring.

"Are you kidding? Of course!"  Cana kissed her and slide the ring onto her hand crying, "I love you!"

"I love you!"

Juvia's pov (a day later)
I've been wanting to go on a date with Lucy forever and I think now is the time that I can ask her. She was finally alone. "Hey Lucy?" I asked her.

"Yes?" She said.

"Uhhh soo I wanted to ask you on a date, if that's okay, tonight?"

"Huh? I'm sorry what did you say?" She asked, looking between Levy and Erza, obviously distracted.

"A date. I asked if you wanted to go on a date with me, like as not friends," I said clearly.

"Yes, does 6 work?"

"6 is perfect, I'll see you then."

So ummm, I honestly have no excuses. But here's an update more than a year later lmao. Tbh I might rewrite this whole thing cause I first started writing this my freshman year and now I'm graduating. I feel like I could improve it a lot but idk. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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