Chapter 10

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Lucy's POV
I woke up to my alarm and my head was pounding I felt like I was going to throw up. I ran to the bathroom but nothing came out. What even happened the last thing I remember was Nastu and Gray kissing. I tried to recall last night but my head just hurt more. I went to wake everyone else up. I knocked on Flares door first because she was right across from me. "Flare?" I asked but to my surprise she was already up typing something on her laptop.

"Yes blondie?"She responded.

"What happened last night?" I asked her.
"We played spin the bottle and we had to kiss," she stated smiling.

That moment most of the game came back to my mind and I blushed immediately after remembering what happened. "I-I'm going t-to wake everyone else u-up," I stuttered trying not to remember.

"Okay, I will be out there in a minute blondie," she winked at me.

I really can't figure her out. I knocked on Erza's door and she was deep in sleep. "Erza?" I said quietly, "Are you up?"

I went over to her and shook her slightly. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, "What time is it?" She questioned.

"5:45," I said

"Okay," She said as she sat up on her bed.
I woke everybody else easily except for Juvia who refused to get out unless I laid with her for a few minutes. I did what she wanted. I was getting next to her and she grabbed my arm and put it around herself. "Lucy did you know that Juvia used to be in love with Gray?" Juvia asked me
"Yes, I was told that," I responded.

"Juvia is not in love with Gray anymore she likes someone else," Juvia said half awake.

"Would you like to tell me who that person is?" I asked.

"No, Juvia can't tell you yet,"

"When will you tell me?" I asked

"When Juvia is ready to tell you."

"Ok, anyway are you ready to go to the kitchen with everyone else?" I asked Juvia as she shook her head and pulled me closer to her.
"One more minute," she stated.

We were there for just one more minute. She and I got up and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl of cereal. Flare was sitting next to me. I could feel her staring at me while I was eating I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. I ended up glancing at her we made eye contact but she didn't look away when I did.Why does she act like this?

School was about to start so we started to make our way to campus. Right when we got there the bell rang signaling home room.

(Time skip to drama)

"Ok today you will start your scene from the movie I had assigned you,"Mrs. Plane said.
"I will assign your rolls and what you will be doing, if you are in a group of 5 people, all of you will be actors or actresses and you may use extras," she stated, "it must be at least 30 seconds long."

"Which part should we do?" Levy asked

"I don't know but I think we should do one of the scenes from the party," I said.
"I will be the waiter," Levy said.

"Juvia wants to be Kat," Juvia said.

"I guess I'll be Patrick," Erza said

"I will be Joey," Flare had another smirk on her face

"I guess that leave me to be Bianca," I said not very disappointed because I really liked Bianca she was a big part in the movie.

The bell rang signaling class was over and it was now lunch. "Can Juvia talk to you in private?" Juvia asked me.

"Sure," I said as we started to walk to the place I talked to Sting with.

"Juvia doesn't know what to do, I don't know how to confess to the person I like," Juvia said.

"Wait Juvia did you just speak in the first person?" I asked

"Yes Juvia, I mean I am trying to get better at saying I instead of Juvia's name," she said.

"Juvia that's great but if you're doing this for someone don't, you need to do this for yourself, only if you want it ," I grabbed her arm.

"Thank you Lucy," she started to hug me, "and Juv-I mean I'm not doing this for anyone this is for myself."

"Okay I just don't want you to change yourself for some guy you like,"I said

"Actually its a girl," She said.

This will most likely be the last one I post today but I will try to update as much as I can this week.

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