Chapter 5

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Lucy's POV
The next period was math with Mr.Trig. I had this period with Juvia and Lissana. We sat down in the middle of the class. The tardy bell rang. "I'm Mr. Trig, and I will be your math teacher," he said, "for the rest of the period you may do whatever you like to within school rules."

For the rest of the class Juvia and Lisanna were debating over fish being pets it was a weird conversation.I then noticed that the two boys Erza called over to us were in this period. They glanced at each other when they weren't looking. It was very cute. They eventually looked at each other at the same time. "What are you looking at Flame Brain?" Gray yelled.
"What am I looking at? What are you looking at Ice Perv?" Natsu yelled back at him.

"Why is the teacher not doing anything about this?" I asked.

"Natsu and Gray fight so often about the tiniest little things, when I first met them they were fighting and that was years ago, so it's kinda of expected that they fight, if a teacher has them in their class they just deal with it ," Lisanna said, "I used to think that I was going to marry Natsu when I was older but that was until I realized I'm not really into guys."

"So you are ,"I was cut off before I could finish my sentence.
"Yeah I'm gay," she said.

"It's good that you're ." I was cut off again but by Juvia this time

"Isn't Gray the most beautiful being on the earth," I heard Juvia say.

"What?" I asked. What's her deal with Gray.

"Juvia is in love with Gray," Juvia said.
"More like obsessed with him," Lisanna whispered into my ear, I smiled.

The bell rang for us to go to fourth.
I walked in to the room with Lisanna to see Erza, Flare and Levy as well as Mira and Cana ."I'm Mrs. Plane and I am your drama teacher, since this is the first day I won't assign any homework, but I will tell you your first assignment, take on a movie that I assign you from more than ten years ago and make one scene your own, you may have up to 5 people on you group if you would like."

"Lucy, do you want to be my partner?" Levy asked.

"Sure Levy, we can work on this when we go to the library after school."I responded.

Then I was asked by Flare, Erza, and Lisanna. We ended up having the limit of five.

Mira and Cana got paired up with some of there friends.

"The movies are at random and cannot be Changed," Mrs. Plane told us.

After everything was passed out my group got assigned with 10 Things I Hate About You.

"I love this movie I have seen it like 100 times," I said.

" I have never even seen it once," Lisanna said.
"Am I the only one who has seen it?" I ask. They all nodded, "We are watching it tonight."
The rest of the period we talked about how the rest of our classes were so far. The bell rang for lunch.

While we were walking to the lunch tables I got a call from Sting. "Hey," I said picking up the phone.

"Hey," Sting said, "you wanted to talk to Rogue earlier but he told me that I would be good enough,"

"I can't talk about it right now," I said

"That sucks because I'm on Fairytail Highs campus,"


"Yeah, and I see you have some new friends, are you trying to replace me?" He asked with a fake sadness to his voice.

"No, and where are you?" I asked

I saw him wave at us and I wave back.

Erza's POV
"Who's that?"Levy asked Lucy pointing at a man with blonde hair.
"That's my brothers boyfriend Sting," she said.
She was talking to her brother last night that makes sense.
"Are you going to introduce us to him?" Levy asked

"Yeah,"Lucy said, "Sting get over here!"
The man started to run over here.
"These are my friends, Levy, Lisanna, Juvia,Flare, and Erza," She said pointing at each one of us while saying so.
"I'm Sting Eucliffe," He said, "I'm Lucy's brothers boyfriend, I also dated Lucy before I realized that I was gay."

He whispered something into Lucy's ear. "I'm going to go talk to Sting in private," Lucy said as she went with him.
I am going to update in a few hours. Also the first day of school is almost finished and I promise another day will not be this long I will mostly just skip over most of the periods where nothing happens

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