Chapter 31

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(There will be smut in this chapter)
Erza's pov

I woke up with my arms around Lucy who was still sleeping. I can't believe I told her that I was in love with her. God, how could I be so stupid. She obviously doesn't feel the same way back. If she is going to have feelings for anyone, it would be Levy. I'm pretty sure we all know this, but I personally can't help it. I love Lucy and nothing is going to change that. Like Juvia said, as long as I'm in this race, I'm going to win her over. Though ultimately it is her decision if she wants to be with me, or someone else. I would still like for that person to be me.

No matter who is in my way, I am going to win her over. I want her to look at me the way I look at her. I want to marry her. I'm going to marry her.

"Mmm," I heard Lucy mumble in her sleep, "I don't wanna eat the lamppost." I couldn't help but smile at her words. She's adorable.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and realized that it was 8 pm. Meaning we slept for 3 hours.

Crap, we agree to have dinner tonight with the rest of the dorm. They're probably wondering where we are right now.

"Lucy," I whispered, "Hey, we have dinner tonight with the dorm."

"Just five more minutes," she called out in a raspy voice making me blush.

"They're going to wonder where we are," I whispered in her ear softly.

"Fine," she said, "but in that case you need to get out so that I can change."

"Alright," I said, "I'll see you out there."

Cana's pov
(A few hours earlier)

"I just don't understand why you don't just make out with her and tell her how you feel," I said while taking a sip of some sort of alcoholic beverage.

"It's not that simple, Cana!" Lisanna exclaimed, "I can't just make out with Lucy and tell her I'm in love with her."

"You do realize that you are competing with other people right?" I said remembering the bet we all made with Rogue. Who we are meeting up with tonight to discuss the scores as of right now. Right now Levy seems to be in the lead. Meaning Rogue is winning. Which I cannot have, so I'm giving Lisanna a little push.

"I know, I know," she said, "I'm completely aware that I am not the only one who likes Lucy..." she put a hand to her temple sort of slouching.

"Then you need to be more aggressive," I state, "flirt with her more."

"But it's not that simple."

"But it is," I said, "how do you think I got with your sister?" She shrugs, "Well I spent as much time as possible with her and flirted whenever I could. It worked for me, it will probably work for you."

"Well, I'm not as confident as you, you know this," she exclaims, sitting up a little straighter.

"You don't need real confidence, if you fake it enough, it'll just come naturally. Lisanna, I need you to know that I am on your side, I will help you date Lucy. You just need to let me."

"But-" she was interrupted by the door opening.

"Hey babe, I'm back," Mira said, putting down the groceries in her hands and came over to give me a quick kiss on the cheek, "oh hey Lisanna, I wasn't aware you would be here."

"Oh I'm just having a little talk with my future family," I smirked and Mira rolled her eyes.

"So, what's all the party supplies for?" Lisanna asked.

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