Chapter 12

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Lisanna's POV
At this point it has been several minutes since my sister and Cana went to the "bathroom". Knowing them they are probably making out in the stall.

"Hey Lisanna," Lucy waved a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, I was just wondering what was taking them so long," I said.

"They are taking a long time, talking," she said,  saying talking with hand quotes.

"Yeah,"I smiled. A few minutes later the waiter came up to us. He had blonde spiked hair and a scar over his eye.

"Would you like to order your drinks?" He asked.

"Um...the rest of the party are currently in the bathroom," I told him.

"Okay, I will come back in a few minutes," he said.

"Thank you," I said as he left and moved on to another table.

"Lisanna, should we go check on them?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah if we don't, they probably will never get out," I said to her truthfully.

"I have been wanting to ask you something," she said.

"Yeah," I said

"How did Mira and Cana start dating?" She asked.

"Ok, So they were best friends throughout middle school and most of high school. Mira realized that was in love with Cana in their sophomore year. She didn't actually confess until senior year though. Cana felt the same way and they just started dating. During that year I literally had to drag them off of each other. They are both out of school now and they actually work at a bar." I told her.

"That's cool, so they basically know everything about each other then," Lucy said.

"Yeah basically," I told her.

"Should we check on them now?" She asked.
"Yeah," I said getting up.

We started walking over to the bathroom to see that they were just getting out of it.  Immediately, we turned around and went back to the table.

We sat back down and the waiter came back over. "Are you ready to order?" He asked.

"Um yeah the rest of our party is behind you," I said and he looked back.

"Mira?" He asked

"Laxus," Mira came up to him and gave him a hug, "I didn't know you worked here."

"Yeah I just started," Laxus told her.

"You remember Cana right?" She asked.

"Yeah we had a few classes together before I moved senior year." He said.

"She is my girlfriend now," Mira told him.

"That's awesome, so is she the girl you texted me about?" He asked.

"Yeah," Mira said.

"That's great well I'm here to take your order what would you guys like?" He asked.

"I will have the chicken Alfredo," Mira told Laxus

"I would like that as well," Cana said.

"May I have the beef brasato," I said

"And you?" He asked Lucy.

"Can I just get the caesar salad?" She asked.

"Sure your orders will be right there," he told us as he went to the kitchen.

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