Chapter 16

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Lucy's POV
"Lucy," my brother called out, "You can come back in here now."

"Okay," I said putting away my laptop. I wonder why he even wanted me out in the first place. "What did you guys talk about?" I asked while walking back into the kitchen.

"Nothing," they all said at the same time. That's suspicious.
"Hey, Lucy can I talk to you," Erza asked, "privately?"

"Sure," I said as I walked with her into her room.

"What's up?" I asked while sitting down on her bed.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to lunch with me tomorrow?" She asked looking down for some reason.

"Sure, hey are you feeling alright your face is really red do you have a fever?" I asked.

"No, I'm perfectly healthy," she said, "I have another question."


"Is it okay if I invite Natsu and Gray over to meet your brother and his boyfriend, they haven't announced their relationship so I just want them to see other relationships." She said.

"Oh yeah that's perfectly fine," I responded to her.

"Awesome, thanks, and one more thing," she said.

"Yes," I responded

"Never mind I forgot." She said


We walked back out to the kitchen and everyone was staring at us. I have no idea why though. "Hey Lucy, is it okay if I ask Cana and Mira if they want to come?" Lisanna asked.

"Sure, the more the merrier, I guess," I answered.

"Okay," She said pulling out her phone a texting them. A few minutes later we heard a knock on the door. Erza went up and opened it. "Hey guys," Mira said walking in with Cana, Natsu, and Gray.

"Hey, This is my brother Rogue and his boyfriend, Sting," I introduced them to my brothers.

"Natsu," Natsu introduced himself and pulled out his hand.

"I'm Gray," he introduced himself.

"Mira and this is my girlfriend Cana," Mira said pointing at Cana.

"It's nice to meet you guys," Sting smiled at them.

"Hey, can I pull you guys into a room real quick, "Rogue said.

"Um... Sure," they all replied.

"Lucy is it ok if I go into your room to talk to these people for a few minutes?" Rogue asked.

"Go ahead," I responded as they went into my room.

"That's weird," Lisanna said.

"Yeah, it is," I said, "Why does Rogue keep asking to talk to people?"

"He probably just wants to get to know them better." She said.

"What did you guys talk about, when he called me out of the room?" I asked.

"Nothing he just asked us a few questions," She responded.

"Ok, what types of questions?" I asked. I'm curious now.

Rogues POV

I walked into Lucy's room with Sting and the people I had just met. "We just played a game and everyone in that room likes my sister, so who wants to make a bet?" I asked sitting down on the desk by Lucy's bed.

"What type of bet?" Cana asked.

"No, Cana we are not going to gamble, do you remember last year?" Mira asked Cana.

"Of course I lost most of my money," She stated.

"The bet won't be with that much money," I stated.

"Well, how much will it be?" Cana asked, "And what are we even betting on?"

"We are betting on who my sister is going to end up with, And 100 jewels/$10."

"I'm in," Cana said.

"Wait I'm sorry so we are betting on someone's love life?" Gray questioned  

"Yeah," Sting said.

"So who's in?" I asked.

"I guess if Cana is in it," Mira said.

"I'm definitely in," Natsu exclaimed.

"Fine if he's in I'm in,"  Gray stated.

"Sting and I are both in as well so who do you guys pick?"

"Can we interfere with them?" Cana asked.

"Yeah, I guess because none of us would be able to tell," I stated the truth and Cana smirked.

"Well I'm going with Erza she is obviously the person who is going to win," Natsu said.

"I'm going to pick Juvia because back when she was in love with me she would not back down and I doubt she will for Lucy," Gray said simply.

"Lisanna is my choice, Blondie was into it when I dared them to make out," Cana said and Mira glared at her. 

"I'm putting my money on Flare, that girl is strange and I believe that your sister would like to explore that," Mira looked at everyone as she said that.

"Levy, that bookworm has guts Lucy called me and said that Levy kissed her in the middle of the library," Rogue said.

"Ok I'm picking Yukino, Lucy loved her and she's...," Sting was cut off by Rogue.

"Sting if you want to place your bet on the girl who broke Lucy's heart go ahead but it's not the smartest choice," Rogue stated.

"But they have an extra room in this dorm so I'm guessing that's where they are putting Yukino," Sting said.

"Who's Yukino?" Natsu asked

"She's a girl who Lucy confessed to but she rejected her with a kiss which hurt her even more," Rogue said.

Lucy's POV
"Ok, what kind of questions?" I asked.

"Y-you know questions like umm w-what our favorite color is and stuff like that," Lisanna moved her eyes to the right indicating that she's lying.

"Lisanna, please don't lie to me," I asked.

"He asked us if we had kissed you along with other things,"She said truthfully, "Now it's your turn not to lie to me, how many people in this dorm have you kissed?"She looked at me dead serious in the eyes.

Please read
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I have been having a bit of writers block. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it.

As always please comment on how I could make it better and what you would like to see next.

I will update at least once within the next week I promise

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