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Diego and his associates found themselves seated in a living room that screamed nothing but silence. A pin drop silence when he had dropped the news of missing Ella. However, he was still sceptical to tell about who Ella actually is to the D'Lucas.

Gasparo looked confused while Lazaro was clearly shocked at hearing the news.

"Bernardo took her away?" Lazaro asked after some time to which Diego only nodded then spoke a while later.

"And we have no idea where he had taken her. Thomas is still trying to locate dad. Do you have any idea where dad could have brought her?" Diego directed his question to Gasparo who looked as if he was contemplating deeply.

"Well, he has a few places but each one is far from the other. It's too risky to randomly go to each one. We can't give him that much time" he said considering what Bernardo could do to Ella.

"Do you think dad is doing this to take revenge on the Agostis?" Diego asked.

"Wh-what? Revenge? I—I don't know anything about it. This is new" Gasparo looked perplexed at Diego's question.

"You seemed as if you don't know anything. Dad is your friend, isn't he? Doesn't he share with you about his revenge? Or are you trying to hide something?" Diego was losing his patience. He felt Gasparo purposely wasting their time by holding them all there.

"No, I'm not hiding anything! Benny is my friend but he never told me anything about any revenge. And it was him who had been helping me all this while. Well, instigated me to go against Demetrio all long"

The new piece of information startled Diego. "What do you mean, dad instigated you?" he bellowed, it wasn't convincing at all.

"That's right. Benny provoked me to take revenge on Demetrio for putting my dad in jail and making my life miserable back then. I had genuinely sought Demetrio's friendship back then after Ara Agosti's funeral. Our friendship returned normal but Benny had been slowly poisoning my mind against Demetrio over the years. I never knew how I fell in his trap.

I had been his puppet all the while. Following him and his so-called vision for my good life by controlling me with the obsession to take over the Agosti Firearms. I too begin to envy Demetrio and desired to own his company.

I know I have done wrong. I will do anything to safe Ella from Benny as a way to repent my mistakes" Gasparo hung his head in embarrassment. He couldn't meet anyone in the eye. He failed to be a father, a friend even as a leader.

'I had been with Bernardo when Demetrio Agosti was killed. His death was planned and executed by Bernardo himself. I was only asked to provide him with men. We faked his murder as an accident. I'm sorry,' Gasparo was only able to say it to himself because he couldn't find the courage to tell this at the moment but he wishes to open up Demetrio's murder plan in front of the mastermind himself.

Bernardo Moretti's new façade revelation from his close friend, Gasparo D'Luca had put both the Moretti brothers in shock. They couldn't believe what they heard about their father yet couldn't ignore it either.

"I told him that, never listened. At last, my near death knocked some sense in him. Thanking God for that he—" Lazaro was interrupted when Thiyagu's phone rang.

Silence prevailed once again as Thiyagu spoke over the phone with Thomas.


It was almost an hour and a half long drive to the location Thomas had tracked Bernardo to be at. With multiple stops, Thomas guessed Ella should be at the particular area. On their way to the secluded building, Diego made up his mind to let everyone know about the discovery he had in the morning.

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