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The chilly weather of early December greeted Ella as she reached the entrance of her apartment building. She blew the hot air in her palms to keep her exposed hand warm while waiting for the man who made a sudden change in plan.

Ella patiently waited for Diego outside her apartment for the past fifth-teen minutes though he told that he was on his way twenty minutes ago. Watching the many families go out for shopping, she realised that the christmas celebraton had kick started.

She sighed as she took another glance at her watch. 'I would have reached by now had I not need to wait for this guy' Ella muttered to herself.

Diego had agreed last night that they will be meeting at the location Alfonso had fixed, after Alfonso informed that he had collected the information they needed. The sudden plan change this morning that Diego will be fetching her from her place made her wonder what could be the reason.

Ella tapped her feet as she grew impatient waiting for the him.

"Do you want me to hail for a taxi, signorina?" asked the security personal of the apartment who had been watching her all the while.

"Oh no. Is it okay, signore. I'm waiting for a friend" and just as she turned to the road, Diego halted his car in front of the apartment.

"You are late, signore!" she glared as she slipped into the car.

He shrugged as though that was not a problem at all and continued to drive into the busy traffic.

"I heard you have given Luciana a month time to find a better job?" She asked after sometime.

"Yes, I wasn't satisfied with her work so I asked her to leave"


"Ella, let's not talk about Luciana. Since you knew about my one month notice for her, you might also know about the reason. Why are you even asking than?" He interjected her.

"Well...... I... um... just wanted to know if what she told was true" she said and turn to look outside. A small smile played on her lips.

"Don't try to convince me to take her back for the job, understand" Diego order firmly.

"I won't" she muttered and frowned when she slowly realised they were not going to the city but towards the outskirt of the city.

Alfonso agreed to meet them in Metropolitan Restaurant and here Diego had taken a different route.

"Where are we going? Aren't we supposed to meet Alfonso?"

"Yes...."he replied but the smile on his lips told something else.

"Then....where are we going now?!"

"Catholic Church Orphanage" he answered.

"But why? Alfonso will be waiting for us in the city!" Ella literally yelled in the car.

"Why are you shouting, Ella?" 

Instead of yelling back, she stared at him in disbelieve for a moment before she continued. "We.were.supposed.to.meet.Alfonso! What the hell are you going to do in the church?!" 

Diego shifted his gaze from the road to her. 

"We are going to meet this girl name... Chiara Celano"


"Out of all names that Alfonso gave in Uncle D's list, Chiara Celano's name has Ara in it. I assume she might be the Ara Agosti we are looking for. But there is also another name with that starts with an 'A'. A for Aryana. Let's just meet this girl first" Diego said as they took an exit to the highway. 

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