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Anger boiled deep in Bernardo as every second passed. It churned within, hungry for destruction and he knew that the anger in him will not let him control anymore. The pressure of this raging sea of anger would force him to show a side of him that he kept hidden for many years. That won't be a smart thing to do at the moment, he thought.

He repeated to himself to calm down before he erupt in his furious state. 

Diego and Thiyagu walked past Bernardo's study room and soon heard their names being called from the inside. 

"You both have disappointed me big time. Why do you have to do another DNA test when I have got it done? Do you'll even respect me as a father or not?" Bernardo spatted, hardly controlling his anger. 

"Haven't we spoke about it?" Diego asked.

"Yes, that's what even I'm asking you, Diego! Haven't we spoke about it?!" Bernardo yelled and took a sip of the burning liquid. 

"Oh! Come on, Dad. Another DNA test is necessary when we have more than one Ara in the house. Even if everything that Luciana brought with her screams she is Ara Agosti, I can't overlook the fact that Ella had received almost a similar hand written letter with only differ in content" Diego argued, he walked away and stood at the window. 

Thiyagu chose to be quiet in the room. The conversation was between his brother and father. Hence, he thought it would be best to be mum. He took a seat on the couch at the corner of the room. 

"It's obviously a fake letter!!" Bernardo now screamed, Thiyagu was caught off guard but he was noticed by none. A sudden heat rush through his body. Had dad found out about his plan, he thought yet stayed silent like a  kitten. 

"How do you know?"

"Because I know. Luciana is Ara Agosti and I have shown enough prove to all of you. That wasn't enough, isn't it? You had to go all the way out to get the letter, the pendant and pen checked!" Bernardo gulped all of the liquid left in the glass at once. 

"Yes! I'm not going to argue on this dad. We are done. If Luciana is Ara Agosti, why are you even getting stressed for? 

Let it be. I'm doing it for my self-satisfaction. That's all. Do you have any questions? If no, I would like to retire for the night. 

Good night, dad" Diego left the study without sparing a glance at his dad. 

Thiyagu however, did not want to make it obvious thus he stayed longer. But what Diego blurted seems to hit a point. 

If Luciana is Ara Agosti, how does a second DNA test affect anything at all?


The father of the son who was admitted to the private clinic sat silently at the waiting area—regretting. Gasparo had rushed to the private clinic soon after he received a call from Lazaro's friends. 

He felt his world were crumpling down the moment he heard the news, disgusted at himself. Why was it so difficult for you to listen to your son, Gasparo? he asked himself. 

'Are you waiting for me to die?!'

It kept ringing in his ears that he started hating himself. He had become the reason for his son to fight for his life.

Little by little as hours passed by waiting for the doctor to update on Lazaro's status, every word Lazaro had spoken begin to make sense. Gasparo realised he was used for the power and capabilities he has. He hated himself even more for allowing that to happen.

He waited helplessly outside at the waiting area along with Lazaro's friends. Those many hours had helped him think with clarity. To set things right or at least stay away from everything that brings trouble to him and his kids. 

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