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It was dark outside and the building was pretty much empty with only Diego in his office. Thiyagu had left for home after Chandra called them back for the third time however, Diego stayed back.

He preferred the silence and solitude at the moment. The commotion happening within him wasn't settling nor giving a solution for the matter. It was Thiyagu's argument over Luciana's identity as Ara Agosti that raised more doubt in him too.

He was frustrated over the fact that mission finding Ara isn't coming to an end. Each time when there are chances that the missing piece of the puzzle fits, it turned out to be a disappointment.

Diego mull over on the issue with Demetrio Agosti's expensive ballpen in one hand and the letters claimed to be written by the latter on the other.

"How do we find out if these were actually Uncle D's?"

The ballpen was definitely Demetrio's Diego was sure about it but the letters, he grew skeptic about it even more when Thiyagu mentioned about getting a duplicate pen exactly like Demetrio's.

Could there be any possiblity that the letters were written by someone else and not the late Agosti?

An old memory flashed.

Ink dating, he thought.

He remembered talking about it with Demetrio a year back when they faced issues on false document exchange in the company.

Maybe sending the letters for the same will clear their doubts and help them to go further in the search.

Satisfied with his next plan, Diego took a look at the locket.

"Even this has to go for evaluation. What if  Thiyagu was right?"


On his way back, a familiar building on the opposite site came to his view and he maneuvered his car to the side. He looked up at the building's fourth floor, third balcony on the right from the center.

It was dark, no lights were lit in the house. A quick glance at the digital clock displayed on the screen, it showed 12.30 a.m.

He took his mobile and tapped a series of number, calling the owner of the apartment, Ella Falco. It was only after the sixth ring the call was answered.

"Hello?" came the answer in a groggy voice.

He chuckled before responding.

Only after hearing her voice, he realised that he missed her. Though it's been only a day. She had her spell cast on him that even in her groggy voice she managed to ease his troubled mind.



No, swimming...

I'm sleepy..., talk tomorrow" she was about to cut the call when she realised who it was.

"Wait! Wake up. It's urgent."

what kind of urgency that you are waking me up"

"It's about Ara Agosti. I can't wait till morning"

After a short silence came the reply, "Ara Agosti. You mean Luciana?" her voice now sounded steadier.

"Yeah. Can we talk or shall I drop the call?" he asked and looked up again. The room next to the balcony had a dim light lit.

"I'll break your head if you drop the call, Diego.

What is it?"

Diego went on narrating what happened earlier and the argument he had with Thiyagu regarding Luciana.

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