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It has been a day since she spoke to Zaro-the sender of the audio message or threat and which they had planned to meet two days later. Ella was both nervous and worried, the idea of meeting the person who is responsible in doing all those dangerous things now seems a little foolish for her now. 

She regrets to the impulsive decision she took upon receiving the message. Maybe she should have just convinced Diego not to find Ara and tell him that many lives are in danger including theirs. 

Ella shook her head, it was too late to regret. She don't want to be the coward now, since it was she who wanted the meeting to take place. Backing off now will do nothing but show her cowardliness to the mans.  

'Let me end this game, that's enough of threatening. It's not a big deal. I can do this.' 

The day went by with her finishing up the work that piled up on her desk and responding to her emails. 

That she did not realise it was half past six until she received a call from an unknown number. 

She furrowed at the sight of the new number. Who could it be? Ella thought as she  hesitantly took the call.


"Hi, El! Finally, you took the call" the enthusiastic voice beamed from the other end.

"Who's this?" 

"Did you forget me already? Gosh, I'm Thiyagu. We spoke like a day ago..."

"Right! I remember now" Ella sighed, it wasn't from Zaro or anyone else associated with him. "How did you get my number?"

"That wasn't hard. I called mamma and she gave it to me of course. Diego wouldn't have given if I ask him" 

That made her chuckle, "I couldn't agree more. I wonder why? Anyway, what's the call for?" 

"He is jealous. Bother him not, he just can't except the fact that I'm quite the charmer." giggled the man from the other end.

"Hmm... that I'll have to wait till I meet you to confirm your statement." 

"You will see then. Okay, why I called you— ah, yes. See, I was never interested in coming back to Milan but after talking to you I changed my mind. I think for some reason, I should be there and for sure we are gonna be besties" 

"I guess that too" 

The door of her office opened slowly and revealed the brother of the man she was speaking to. Diego walked in and took his seat opposite Ella like he owned the company.  

"That's wonderful! At least you have a courtesy to meet me. Unlike your brother who didn't even bother to tell me that someone named Thiyagu even exists" this conversation gained Diego's attention, he was surprised at the mention of Thiyagu's name.

'Thiyagu? Why is he talking to Ella?'

"I told you, he is jealous. Alright, I gotta go. Can't wait to see you"

"When are you coming to Milan?" Ella asked to irritate Diego even more.

"That's a surprise, signorina"

"Very well. See you then" Ella hung up the call and tried hard not to laugh at Diego. His expression screamed shock, surprised, annoyed and of all, he looked confused.

"What does he want? Why did he call you? How did he get your number?" Asked Diego, with a little desperation.

"I don't think I should answer you. Remember, you too did not answer me this morning. So, forget it. I'm telling nothing" Ella said as she stood up, cleaning her messy desk.

"It was my brother who called you"

"It was about me, you people were talking about" Ella retorted.

That was enough to shut his mouth. Yet Diego wanted to know if what he heard from the half conversation was true. That Thiyagu is finally coming back to Milan after five years.

Diego tried to think of another way to ask her but he know well about her stubbornness. Ella will not tell until she gets what she wants.

He finally gave up, he wasn't going to ask about Thiyagu. He will know about it pretty much through Thiyagu himself.

"I'm leaving to my house today. So, you don't have to wait for me" Ella's voice echoed around the office. He looked up to find no Ella on her seat.

'When did she even left the office' he thought as he watched her walking back into the room.

"Why? I don't think it's safe for you to be back there" Diego said right after coming out from his reverie.

"Because it is ready and I want to go back" Ella insisted. Though staying in the Moretti house eliminates the feel of being alone, it isn't right to be a guest in ones house for long either.

Furthermore, she won't be able to meet Zaro if she stays in Diego's house. It would be almost impossible to go out without Diego or some other guard tagging along her.

Diego on the other hand, wasn't ready to let her go back. It isn't safe yet for her to stay alone especially when the guard that he appointed had been given a week off.

"I request you to go back next week. Let me make sure everything is alright. No harm waiting few days, right?" Diego coaxed her.

"I just want to go back"

"You can. But not today, please." Diego asked almost pleading. He isn't ready to take the risk what might cause her harm. Somewhere deep down, he sense it isn't right to send her back.

Refusing to stay in Diego's house only got harder. If she could have just left earlier or leave a message to him about her decision, it would have been much easier than meeting him. 

"Diego, I know you worry about me and everyone close to you but..." Ella find it hard to tell him to stop worrying because he just won't.

"I just want to go home"

"Why don't you listen for once, Ella?"

"Why should I?" The atmosphere was heating up as their normal conversation turn into a serious argument.

"Because I care for your safety. If that's wrong then I'm sorry"

Ella buried her head in her palms. She hates when someone had to tell sorry for the mistake they have not done. Especially when one is just trying to protect the other. She took a few minutes to come up with a decision.

"Okay let's make it a win-win situation. Let me stay for one night in my house. I'll stay in yours from tomorrow until the day you think it is safe for me to go back. Fair?" She proposed and waited for him to respond.

Though the offer sounds good, Diego wondered what is it tonight that she badly wants to spend  in her house? Should he follow her?

'Anyway, it is just a matter of a day'


Thank you for reading!! 

love, Deva

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