
Hayley and Y/n went outside to join the guys, but once they saw them they instantly became quiet. "What is this? High school?" Hayley asked, unimpressed. "Why don't you take the hint and mind your own business?" Oliver retorted. Quickly, Hayley grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, and pinned his face first to the wall. "This is our pack." She stated, her voice low talking about her and Y/n. "That makes it our business." Jackson looks at them. "No need to get all riled up." "I have tried to play nice." She said, impatiently. Y/n stepped forward grabbing Oliver's chin, lifting it up. "The last month of pregnancy. Is all hormones and mood swings. There are two pregnant women here. So unless you want either one of us to snap your arm like a twig in half. Start talking." He glares at her. "You can go to hell." "Knock it off." Jackson warned him. "There is no reason to keep it from them." "I can think of a reason. Tall, immortal, wears a pocket scarf." He tried to fight Hayley's grip, but she pins him back, easily. "Hayley, Y/n. Hayley, Y/n you're both one of us. You deserve to know. Now, go on." He nods, reluctantly, Hayley lets go of Oliver. "We've made an alliance that's gonna change everything for the wolves." "An alliance with who?" Hayley asked. "Klaus. He told me about it." Y/n answered. "Tell me everything." Hayley demanded.


It was night now and the Feast if Blessings was underway

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It was night now and the Feast if Blessings was underway. Hayley and Y/n entered the gate, seeing Elijah standing there. "Strange, I thought you'd both be in the company of your colorful friends." Hayley still mad with him, didn't even bother to try to to hide it. "Well, you asked for a representative for the werewolves, so take me or leave me." Elijah offered them his arms, both took it as he led them into the party.


Genevieve tapped her knife against the side of her glass, making the room silent, as everyone's attention was now on her. "Welcome." She greeted, standing next to the three seated Harvest girls. "As is our time honored tradition, you are all welcomes to deliver your offerings. It is our custom that no one should be turned away, no blessing denied." With that the guests lined up, Hayley was first and went to give it to Davina, but was told to give it to Monique. And so, this carried on, as the gifts either went to Abigail or Monique, leaving Davina out. The Claire girl, eventually stood up and walked way.

"Ladies and Gentlem, may I have your attention please." Everyone began to mutter and whisper in confusion, but Y/n smirked, knowing exactly what was gonna happen. "We are gathered here today to pay homage to our beloved witches, but one very special witch has been utterly ignored. That seems a little unfair to me." He grabbed a small box out of his pocket and offered it to Davina. "No." She shook her head. "I don't want your gift." "I understand why you would reject me, given our past. In truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict which my brother's treaty ended. Your friend Josh, was involved in a plot to kill me. It would be well within my right to execute him here and now but in the spirit of solidarity and for your favor Davina, I hereby pardon him. Josh, from this day forward you have nothing to fear from me." Klaus offered Davina her gift again. "Please." This time Davina accepted it. Klaus smirked At Genevieve, who walked away.


Y/n walked to Davina and Josh, seeing that she opened Klaus's gift. "Davina." She called before she stood in front of the two. "I'll give you two a moment." Josh says as he leaves. The Original Tribrid turns to the Claire witch. "I know I wasn't there for you when you came back. I have no excuse but, I didn't want to give this to you infront of others." Davina gives her a confused look. Y/n smiles at her before pulling out a small blue gift box. She hands it to her. "When I was human, my mother gave me and my sister, Tatia jewelry. She said that when given the opportunity to give a piece of any of the jewelry to our children. I kept mine and my sister's to pass it on to her descendants, but kept mine to pass it on to my own." Davina opens the box. Her mouth opens at the bracelet in front of her.

"I never could choose on which of your other ancestors to pass it too, but when I met you, I knew you were the one

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"I never could choose on which of your other ancestors to pass it too, but when I met you, I knew you were the one." "Y/n, it's...it's beautiful. Thank you." She hugs the pregnant tribrid. Y/n wraps her arms around the girl, being careful with the baby bump. The two separate. "Here." She takes the box and puts it on the table before grabbing the bracelet, and putting it on Davina. "I think I choose the right person, to pass this on too. Don't ya think? One day, in the future, if and when you have a child of your own, hopefully a daughter, you can pass it on to her, so she can pass it to her daughter and so on." The girls laugh as they smile at each other.

Both girls turn when a bunch of people descend down the stairs, playing drums. Both girls separate, Y/n standing with Hayley and Elijah, as they stopped the man in the front spoke. "Happy Fete de Benediction! We have a message for all of you from Marcel Gerard." They all watched as each man took  out a knife and slit their wrists, everybody gasped as the vampires hissed at the blood. Elijah stepped forward. "Control yourselves, this is a vulgar trick. We do not violate our agreement." Suddenly, the lights went out, people screamed as the vampires gave in to their hunger. Someone pushed past Hayley, and when the lights came back on. Y/n and Hayley looked around to see many dead bodies. "Elijah!" Hayley called out. "Hayley." Elijah was at her side as he and Y/n helped her stand. "It's all right." They looked to the wall and saw 'THERE WILL BE NO PEACE' written in blood.

Marcel Gerard had just started a rebellion.


Hayley and Y/n returned to the Bayou, they told Jackson what had happened. "I've learned my lesson. At first I was against your plan and I thought that we should just like with Elijah's treaty but after that party, all those innocent people." Hayley trailed off. "There will never be peace, the weak will always be at the mercy of whoever is calling the shots." "It's survival of the fittest, we need to protect ourselves and we," Jackson walked closer to them. "We need to protect each other." Hayley nods and leaves going back to cabin leaving Y/n and Jackson. "We need to use Klaus' helps while he's still willing to give it but Jackson, from now on, you can't keep secrets from Hayley, whatever Klaus tells you, we both got offered the deal from Klaus. We need trust each other, okay?" He replied with a nod as the two came to a agreement.


After Elijah's and Klaus' little quarrel. It left Klaus with his thoughts. He was feeling something he hadn't felt in a long time... since he was human. Something he and Elijah felt towards her sister. Tatia  Petrova.


Hayley, Y/n, and Jackson were sitting around the campfire with the rest of the wolves and after Jackson had just finished telling a story, when both girls felt something. After a moment, both girls gasped as they realized what had happened. "Oh my God!" They exclaimed. "What?" Jackson asked. "They kicked." Y/n told him, speaking for both her and Hayley. Hayley grabbed Jackson's hand so he could feel it. When he did, both shared a smile.

I'm so happy to be writing this book. I did however notice that you guys haven't really voted, and I really hate to ask but can you guys please vote.

Next Post: August 16, 2019

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