Chapter 36

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I stood there as Dohyun walked over towards me. I let myself remember the feelings I once had for this man because of how his presence have impacted my life. He wasn't a bad guy; I know that for sure.

"Well, isn't this a surprise."

I said nothing.

Dohyun arched an eyebrow, "Why did you call me?"

"I wanted to thank you."

"For what?"

I crossed my arms, "For ruining my life, my relationship with Hoseok and my friendship with his members and company."

Dohyun opened his mouth to speak but I held my hand up to stop him. "But thank you anyways. I learnt that all men are assholes." I locked eyes with Dohyun's and said quietly, "I knew I never deserve a happy ending with anyone but I never thought I'd have everything...taken away from me. That one piece that I got out of this fragile relationship... that was all I wanted." I smiled sadly at I thought of my baby. "But I never get what I want anyways, do I?"

He looked at me.

I dropped my hand, "Hoseok and I are over and I'd like you thank you for that too. Who knows what could have happened if we ended up separating in future too? The damage will be worse." I inhaled and then smiled, "You're not a bad person. If you were then I would have never fallen for you, Dohyun. I know you loved me too although you had your own f#cked up way of showing it."

"What are you trying to..." he trailed off.

"If you ever loved me then tell Hoseok that it's yours."

"What's mine?"

I waved, "Let this be the last time I see you." I turned to go but then looked over my shoulder at  Dohyun, "Ah, also, I hope you take better care of yourself and the woman you choose to spend forever with. Cherish her and don't do what you did to me to her." 

With that, I left Dohyun behind, hoping that this time, it's for good.


The minute they landed in Korea, Hoseok rushed to his house. He heard that Jiyeon have left the hospital the same day when Hoseok had left to Japan. He wanted to see her- just like all those times when he'd been avoiding her, it took everything in him not to go to her. After agonising over the pain Jiyeon had left him, he finally pulled himself together and decided that he didn't care whether she cheated or not since it doesn't change how he feels about her. It was just like when he heard about her affair. Knowing that Dohyun meant a lot to her since he was there at the start... and knowing that Hoseok may never be the only man who has her heart, he pushed her away. He was filled with guilt, anger and hurt.

Regardless of what happens, he decided that he needed to talk to Jiyeon. That it was time to finally hear her out. He needed to stop running away from his fears and face them head on. He's been hurting himself and Jiyeon by creating distance between the two, afraid that Jiyeon may leave him for Dohyun or someone better than him. Was it because he doesn't trust her and the bond the two shared? No. It was because he was jealous and afraid of losing her. Then again, did he have her to begin with?

No matter what happens, he needed to talk to her. He vowed to be calm and listen to what she has to say... that even if she doesn't love him like he loves her, that he'll let her go. After everything they've been through, Hoseok wanted to at least end on good terms with her... even if it meant going their own ways.

With this thought in mind, Hoseok walked into the house with the members right behind him. He rushed to Jiyeon's room, only to see that her suitcase and everything was gone. Everything that was hers.

Hoseok was about to flip the whole house upside down until he finds her when he heard Namjoon called his name. Hoseok walked back to the kitchen and saw it then. He didn't need to open the box to know his mother's necklace was in there. He did see Jiyeon's wedding ring on top of the letter Jiyeon had left behind though.

He picked up and read it.

Thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank the members for me too.

Hoseok, let's not meet again in this lifetime, yeah?

Take care of yourself.


"F#ck," Hoseok whispered. He felt the members behind him and he didn't need to turn around to know that they're reading the letter too.

Finally, he turned to face them, his chest tightening. "She's gone." 

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