Chapter 3

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"Don't worry about it," Hoseok said as the members apologised for having to take Hoseok away from his bride. He didn't mind because the marriage was just for show. Plus, Jiyeon was probably going to spend their "special" night calling and waiting for her boyfriend to text her.

He was going to have to do something about her relationship with that Dohyun guy though. Hoseok doesn't want any articles about his bride all over the media and he's sure his parents wouldn't want to see such a thing too.

Three years, he thought to himself. He wondered if he can pretend for that long.

"Your bride though," Taehyung grinned. "You two suit each other."

"Do you think so?" Hoseok asked as he reached for his towel, wiping away his sweat.

"Good choice," Yoongi agreed.

If only you know, Hoseok thought to himself.

"Let's dance," he said, changing the subject.


Hoseok didn't get home until three in the morning. He had a quick shower and then changed clothes before making his way towards Jiyeon's bedroom. He was surprised when he didn't see her in the room and wonder if she left to go somewhere.

Annoyed, he decided that he should sleep since he needs to be at work by seven.

"That gives me four hours sleep," he muttered, making his way down the hallway towards his bedroom.

To his surprise, he saw Jiyeon sleeping in his bed. He walked towards her and saw that she looked even more beautiful when she's asleep. She had a peaceful look on her face and he loves the look. He's been around to see Jiyeon here and there before he became famous and every time he sees her, she always looked so stressed and troubled.

"There you are," he murmured.

He lightly pushed the hair that's covering her face back and smiled down at her. His attention went towards her phone when her phone lit up with a text.

Reaching for it, he frowned when he saw that it was a text from Jiyeon's boyfriend. Hoseok swiped left and opened the message between the two.

He exhaled, a little relieved that Jiyeon haven't messaged the guy. Hoseok checked her call history and saw that there wasn't anything there too.

He glanced down at his sleeping bride. Although he forced her into this marriage, he was hoping that the next three years will be filled with happy memories. It's not like he wanted to force her to marry him but it was because he didn't have a choice. That was something she doesn't know and he doesn't plan to tell her until he has no other choice.

After one last glance at her, Hoseok got up and walked out of his room. 


I got up around five because my throat felt dry. I noticed that Hoseok haven't returned home too and to be honest, I was a little worried. I was waiting in his room to discuss and set some rules for us while we're married but had fallen asleep instead.

I passed the hallway and came to a stop when I saw Hoseok sleeping on the couch. I made my way towards him and saw that he had showered and changed into new clothes.

I bet many girls around the world want to be me, I thought to myself as I glanced down at his sleeping face. Of course, they would be. I'm in Hoseok's house and married to him. If I actually love the guy, it will be a dream come true.

Shaking my head, I walked towards the kitchen and poured myself a cold glass of water before heading back to Hoseok's bedroom. I couldn't help but glance once more at the guy who's loved by millions of people, sleeping so soundly on the couch.

I felt a little touched that he didn't get in bed with me but wasn't sure why he chose to sleep here instead of the other rooms in the house.  

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