Chapter 23

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"Jiyeon is so funny," Jungkook told Hoseok while the members were eating at the dance studio.

"She's so cute," Jimin added, reaching for his chopsticks, "I'm so happy you married someone like her, hyung. I can tell she's the reason you're so happy these days."

Hoseok smiled at that. Things were going great between them and he couldn't ask for more. He was happy that the members were starting to like her and spend more time with her too. It wasn't as awkward as it was before. He's even seen Jiyeon cook with Seokjin and Jungkook and even seen her in Namjoon or Yoongi's studio too. She sometimes goes for walks with Taehyung and Yeontan and she drinks with Jimin and Yoongi from time to time too. Although Hoseok is a little jealous at how much they adore her though...

"How is she these days?" Namjoon asked, through a mouthful of rice, "We've been so busy and she hasn't been around too."

"I think she's okay," Hoseok replied, hesitantly, "We've been busy so I haven't had the time to call her or see her."

"But you text her, right?" Yoongi asked, reaching for his drink and taking a sip before continuing, "Jiyeon must be bored without us there."

Hoseok looked over at his phone that was on the table and then turned to Yoongi, "Yeah, I'll check up on her during our break."

"Good," Seokjin said, "you know, Jiyeon's a great cook. You found yourself a good one."

"She's really keen on learning how we make music too," Yoongi added and looked at Namjoon who confirmed this with a nod. "She's always so interested."

Hoseok smiled, "Yeah, she's like that around me too."

"She might have a talent for music," Namjoon told the others.

Seokjin grinned, "Let's make her the eighth member."

Hoseok laughed in response to that. Really, it was good that they got along so well.



I'd woken up with a really bad flu. It was so bad that I couldn't make proper breakfast for myself.

I got up from bed and had a quick shower before slipping on a pair of sweatpants and a big hoodie before walking towards the lounge. I'd found out that Hoseok and the members weren't going to be home tonight too and I was a little glad because I don't want to be a burden to them right now.

I made myself cereal and then I passed out in the lounge. I don't know how long I was asleep for until I heard Hoseok's voice. That was what woke me up.


I jerked at that, eyes flickered opened.

Hoseok walked into the room. "Jiyeon?"

I struggled to sit up and glanced over at him, feeling a little groggy, "Hoseok?"

Concern reflected on his face as he walked over towards me on the couch. Tossing his jacket and keys on the sofa beside me, he crouched down and asked, worriedly, "What's wrong?"

"I don't feel so good," I croaked. And I didn't. I have zero energy and one minute I'd be hot and the next I'd be cold.

Hoseok leaned forward and pressed his forehead against mine for a few seconds before pulling back and saying, "You've got a fever." I could smell him and he smells so good. I missed his scent and his touch. How many days has it been since I last saw him?

I coughed a few times as Hoseok stood up and looked around the kitchen area. He glanced back at me, "Have you eaten?"

"I had cereal."

He made a face at that. "I'll make you proper food."


Hoseok bent down and scooped me into his arms before walking back to his bedroom. I didn't protest or say anything.

He placed me on the bed and then pulled the blanket over me, "Get some rest."

"W-wait," I cleared my throat, "don't you have other things to do?"

"It can wait."

"No, it can't," I protested. "It's just a little flu, I won't—"

"Shut up and sleep," Hoseok rolled his eyes.

I was about to protest when Hoseok turned and walked out of the room but not before saying, "You sleep and I'll make something for you."


I actually ended up falling asleep. When I woke up, I saw that it was two in the afternoon and immediately got up from bed. I'd been asleep for over two hours. As I walked down the hallway, I prayed that Hoseok had left for work.

I grabbed the duvet and wrapped it around me as I walked down the hallway, coughing. I was still a little sick but I'm not going to tell him that. Hoseok's voice can be heard as I neared the kitchen and immediately rushed towards the sound of it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to catch my breath. Damn, I couldn't even stand up for long without feeling lightheaded and weak.

Hoseok was standing in front of the stove with a green apron on. By the looks of it, he's been there for a while now.

"Making rice porridge for you."

My eyes narrowed, "What kind?"

"The really bland and disgusting one."

I made a face.

Hoseok chuckled, "I can't look after you today but I'll make sure you're taken care of before I head out."

"It's only a flu."

He shrugged and pointed at the sofa with the wooden spoon, "Sit."

I pulled the duvet over me, walked towards the sofa, sat down and watched Hoseok cook. I watched Hoseok stir for a while and saw how concentrated he was. He wasn't smiling or anything which was a little unusual for me but I think this is what he's like when he's concentrating on something.

"What about the members?" I asked when I suddenly remember that he's not supposed to be here.

"I called them while you were sleeping," he told me.

I sat there in silence for a while, contemplating on whether I should be asking him this question that may offend him but eventually, I decided to ask him anyways. "Do you even know how to make it?"

I could see he was struggling and in deep thoughts from here. I didn't even need to see his face to know.

Hoseok's eyes slid over at me, "No."

I sighed and was about to get up when he suddenly said, "I called my mother so I think it'll be okay."

"You called your mother?"

He nodded. "She said hello, by the way." 

I smiled. I really wish I was awake to hear that conversation.

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