Chapter 27

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My hands shook as I scrolled through the articles that have been uploaded. It was everywhere. Photos of Dohyun and me. The first two photos were from when we'd met while Hoseok and I haven't left for Hawaii. It looked bad. I kept scrolling through the articles and that's when I saw it.

A photo of Dohyun and me. It was worst because Dohyun had dragged me away from the café and towards the back of a hotel where he'd ripped my shirt. That was the worst photo because it looked like I was enjoying it. To make things worse, when I'd got in his face, it didn't look like I was yelling at him like I was at the time- it looked like I was looking at him dreamily. It also didn't look like I was struggling from him to get away too.

I got out of bed and stood up, suddenly feeling lightheaded as I stumbled to find my phone. I needed to call Hoseok. I needed to explain things to him.

Hoseok didn't pick up. No one did.

After twenty minutes, I'd given up and collapsed on the couch, feeling my heart race. I slipped my fingers through my hair and gripped my head, trying to breathe.

It's everywhere, I thought, everyone has seen it.

I didn't need to turn on the television to know that it's there. Hoseok is famous so it's going to be on there.

There were also some things about the members too. Hoseok's precious members and the friends I'd found. The friends who accepted me and looked after me when Hoseok wasn't around.

I felt tears pricked my eyes as I thought back to what Dohyun had said. Was this what he meant when he said I was going to regret it? 

Dohyun's always been a jerk but I didn't think he'd go this far. I cling onto Dohyun because he was my first friend. The first person to really make me laugh and smile. He was there and because of that, I fell for him. He wasn't a bad person. He couldn't be because he was there to take care of me before I met Hoseok and the others. The best part was that he never asked about my family. It was easy to be with him.

Then Hoseok walked into my life and changed everything. It wasn't supposed to be like this but I ended up falling for him anyways.

Everything I thought I knew about life turned out to fake. An illusion. Something I put together to protect myself from others and it was Hoseok who made me realise that.

I got to know the members and befriended them. They asked about my family and my life and although that made me uncomfortable, they looked like they cared. Unlike the previous people who have asked because they were simply curious, the members asked because they cared about me and wanted to know me. They all took care of me in their own little way and maybe that's because I was married to Hoseok that lead them to treat me like I was part of their own family.

Seokjin continue to feed me and cook with me and I learn new things every time I'm with him. He takes care of me because he's the oldest out of the members but that's not the only reason too.

Yoongi is always busy but he's always there when I needed some help. He makes time to hear me out and give his opinion about it. He's blunt and although it hurts sometimes, I knew he didn't want me to believe that there's an easy way out in life. I'm thankful that he's blunt.

Namjoon, like Yoongi, always make time for me. He may be younger than Hoseok but he cares about Hoseok like an older brother. They're really close. Whenever I'm conflicted by many things, I sought him out. Namjoon's very poetic and through his words and advice, like Yoongi, I'm able to make sense of things.

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