Chapter 17

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Hoseok reached for his keys, "I need to meet the members. We've got to go through our performances since the event is less than a week."

I tried to hide my disappointment but then I felt Hoseok's hand on the top of my head and I glanced up at him.

"Do you want to come with me?"

"Can I?" I asked, immediately.

Hoseok nodded and dropped his hand, "We won't finish until late. Maybe even three or four in the morning."

I shook my head, "No, that's fine. I'd like to go too."

Hoseok grabbed hold of my hand, pulling me along with him as he walked towards the door, "Alright, let's go then."


I shifted in my seat, feeling uncomfortable with the whole situation here.

"Noona," I heard Jungkook called.

I glanced at him. 

"You look so tense," he pointed out. "Are you okay? Cold? Hungry?"

"Um, I'm good." Because I was. I was tense because of the situation Hoseok put me in. It had nothing to do with me being cold or hungry.

"I didn't think he'd bring you," Yoongi said, glancing up from his phone. Hoseok had left to go somewhere and I couldn't exactly follow him too. I don't know the members that well and I was really starting to regret not researching about them beforehand too. It was intimidating to be in the same room with them when Hoseok isn't here.

"Was I not supposed to come?" I asked, slowly, feeling a little hurt. Maybe I was in the way or something.

Seokjin who was sitting beside Yoongi on the sofa, reached out and punched Yoongi in the arm.

"Ow, hyung!" he hissed.

"Can you work on how you word things?" Seokjin scold. "Jiyeon might think we don't want her here."

Yoongi looked surprised and turned his head towards me. He surprised me when his eyes were filled with worry. "I didn't mean it like that..." he mumbled and I almost smiled at how innocent he looked.

Namjoon smirked and looked over at me from where he was sitting on a chair, "Don't mind him. Yoongi's not good with expressing his thoughts really well. We're happy you're here."

I smiled but it was tense.

Taehyung shifted closer towards me and glanced up at me from the floor, his eyes sparkling with curiosity, "How was Hawaii?"

I grinned.

"Looks like it was worth it," Jimin said, smiling.

I nodded. "It was perfect."

"Aw, I wanted to go too," Jungkook pouted. "Maybe I should get married or something."

Seokjin scoffed, "You've never been in a relationship."

"Like you've been in one before," Jungkook shot back.

"Ah, but I've got experience."

Jungkook arched an eyebrow, "From watching dramas?"

Seokjin's eyes narrowed, "You're one to talk. You can't even look at women and you turn the other way when they're looking at you."

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Stop it," Namjoon told the two, "you're going to scare Jiyeon."

"No," I grinned and looked over at Namjoon, "I'm getting to know you all."

"They fight a lot," Jimin told me, "When we're on reality shows, behind the scenes, filming videos, doing interviews—you name it."

Jungkook and Seokjin grinned at each other.

"Don't look so proud," Taehyung rolled his eyes.

Yoongi shook his head, "It's really hard to believe Seokjin is the oldest."

Before Seokjin could defend himself, the door opened and Hoseok walked into the room with a box of macarons in his hands. Jungkook and Seokjin got up and rushed over towards Hoseok while Namjoon, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin stayed seated.

"Not yet," Hoseok scowled.

Hands frozen mid-air, Jungkook and Seokjin shared a look.

I watched as Hoseok walked passed the two and walked over towards me before he lowered the box, "Have some," he told me.

"Uh," I looked sideways at the members before reaching for two. "Thanks."

"Can we have some now?" Seokjin asked, impatiently.

Hoseok placed the box on the table and then sat next to me on the couch, draping his arm around my shoulders. "Go for it."

As I watched Hoseok and the members work on their multiple performances, I was amazed to see how perfectly in sync they were. Their stages were going to rock. My eyes didn't leave Hoseok as I ate and watch him and the members work on which parts to improve.

They work so hard, I thought to myself as three hours had gone by. They weren't complaining and although they were really tired, they continue to push on and perfect their performances.

When the members were in deep discussion with their staff about other things, I sat and watched them. I didn't say a word or go anywhere near Hoseok and the others since they were working and I didn't want to disturb them.

I laid on the sofa, going through random articles about the members and especially ones about Hoseok. At some point, I fell asleep.


"Hoseok-ah," Yoongi called out.

Hoseok looked over his shoulders at Yoongi who tipped his head to the side, gesturing at his sleeping wife. He couldn't help it and smiled at the sight of her asleep while waiting for him.

He glanced down at his watch and saw that it was nearing one in the morning. He'd made sure to feed her a few times but she was probably very tired from their trip too.

"Do you want to take her home?" Jimin walked over, offering Hoseok a drink from his bottle. Hoseok took a sip and gave the bottle back to Jimin.

"She's been asleep for a while," Jungkook put in. "Probably tired."

"Yeah, sorry to call you here," Namjoon apologised. "You must be super tired too."

Hoseok shook his head, "That doesn't matter. I've been away for a week so you guys had it harder than I do."

"We're done for today," Seokjin said to Hoseok, even though Hoseok was sure they weren't. "Take Jiyeon home and you should rest too. We'll meet up tomorrow or something."

"I want to go through something first," Hoseok frowned.

Namjoon snatched the papers from Hoseok's hands and said, "Go rest. We need you in perfect shape to be able to make things work."

Shaking his head, Hoseok smiled, "Alright. Text me the details."

Taehyung handed Hoseok his phone, wallet and keys before patting him on the back, "Thanks for coming, hyung. You rest too."

Hoseok nodded and walked over towards a sleeping Jiyeon. He bent down and scooped her into his arms before saying goodbyes to the members and leaving.

Through all this, Jiyeon stayed asleep and he realised just how tired she must have been. It made him a feel a little bad for not making her stay at home. 

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