Chapter 12

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The week flashed by very quickly and that sucked a lot. There was only two days before we have to head back home. I was enjoying my time here with Hoseok who's always smiling and laughing with me so I didn't want this to end. Hoseok and I spend a lot of time exploring the area but also stayed inside a lot too. Through these moments, I was able to get to know him really well and that was good. I was seeing parts of him that not a lot of people see and that made me really happy too. It made me wonder if Hoseok feels the same way, knowing things about me that not even Dohyun know about.

"Stop laughing."

I swiped the tears that were leaking on the side of my eyes, "But I can't help it."

Hoseok scowled and I laughed harder at him.

The reason I was laughing was because Hoseok had stormed into my room, telling me that he was going to use my bathroom. When I asked him why, he didn't say anything and mumbled that he had no choice. I kept asking and asking until he finally told me that there was a gecko in his bathroom. I looked at him, confused until I realised that he was afraid of them. Since I wasn't afraid of them and decided that I can be of use to him, I decided to get rid of the gecko. The problem was, I screamed and jumped back when I saw how big and ugly it was. No wonder the guy was scared.

I hit Hoseok with my back and his arms came around me to prevent me from falling on my ass. That's not the reason I'm laughing here though. It was the fact that the gecko was super-fast and started coming towards us.

Hoseok grabbed the nearest thing, which was a lamp and threw it towards the gecko and failed to hit it. He then let go of me and bolted out the door, leaving me there, dumbfounded.

I didn't move until I heard him yelled, "Jiyeon! Make a run for it!"

Glancing down at the smashed glass around me and the gecko that had stopped moving but was still very much alive, I managed to chase it out of Hoseok's room towards the glass backdoor.

After a few seconds when I was able to reflect back on the situation, I couldn't stop laughing. When I went to find Hoseok who had curled into a ball and was sitting on the sofa, I laughed so hard that I had tears running down my face. That's what lead us to this situation right now.

"Are you scared of geckos?" I laughed.

Hoseok's scowl deepened, "I hate insects and reptiles the most."

I laughed, shaking my head. I wasn't even mad that he'd made a run for it and left me behind, I mean, he did yell at me to make a run for it.

"Stop laughing."

"But how can I?" I continued to laugh for a while before I noticed that Hoseok was looking at me intensely.

"What?" I asked him, grinning.

Hoseok sighed loudly, "Don't tell the members about this. They will never stop teasing me and before you know it, it'll be all over the media."

Chuckling, I walked towards him and stood in front of him. "I chased it outside, so you're safe now."

Hoseok finally relaxed and dropped his feet to the ground.

I patted his head, surprised by how soft his hair was. Damn, this really makes me insecure about myself. "Don't worry. I shall take care of all these bad insects and reptiles that dares to scare you, okay?"

Hoseok scowled.

I grinned.

Then he grabbed hold of my wrist, pulling me down to sit beside him. His eyes stayed on mine and I couldn't tear my eyes from his gaze.

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