Chapter 29

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The members watched wordlessly as Hoseok left to go to his hotel room. They didn't stop him or tried to talk to him because Hoseok wouldn't say a word. Having him fly to Korea, only to fly back the minute he'd finished talking had him exhausted.  

Namjoon gestured for the members to follow him and they all walked to Namjoon's room. They didn't have to ask to know that Namjoon wanted to talk about Hoseok.

When Hoseok have come back the night after he left to Jiyeon, the member watched him, trying to figure out what happened between the two. None of them dared to text Jiyeon and she hasn't messaged or called any of them too.

Yoongi was worried about what happened between the two. He knows that the members were worried too and they were afraid of asking Hoseok. Asking Jiyeon would be inappropriate too.

"Does anyone know anything? Heard anything?" Jimin asked quietly as Namjoon closed the door and walked over to sit on his bed.

"Nothing," Yoongi replied, sitting on the ground with Taehyung and Jungkook.

"No one messaged Jiyeon...right?" Namjoon asked, hesitantly.

They all shared a look and shook their heads in response to Namjoon's question.

Namjoon sighed. "I wish he'd talk to us."

"That's not going to happen," Seokjin muttered.

"What about hyung?" Taehyung said, looking over at Yoongi.

Yoongi stared, "What about me?"

"Your relationship is out there," Taehyung reminded him. "Hyung's girlfriend..." he trailed off.

Yoongi shook his head, "That's fine. I'll make a statement tomorrow since it's all over the news."

"Does she know?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi nodded. "The only good thing is that you can't see her face properly."

"You can always deny it?" Jimin suggested. "You've been dating her for the past three years without anyone knowing."

Yoongi sighed, "I've thought about that too but honestly, it's fine. It's already out there so no point denying it."

Seokjin scoffed, "If you didn't tell us that time, we'd be surprised too."

Yoongi smirked.

"Is she okay?" Jungkook asked, quietly. "Jiyeon, I mean."

"I don't know how I feel about this," Namjoon answered, honestly. "Hoseok mentioned that he'd seen her texts and calls with that guy."

"But we know her," Jungkook retorted.

"Do we?" Seokjin shot back. "We didn't know about their fake marriage."

"We had suspicions," Taehyung corrected. "We can't force it out of Hoseok unless Hoseok tells us."

"Taehyung's right," Yoongi said to Seokjin. "I suspected it the minute Hoseok told us he's getting married."

"What do we do now?" Jimin asked the others, his eyes showed that he was worried about Hoseok.

"What can we do?" Seokjin muttered.

"We can't just stay quiet," Jimin argued. "He needs us right now."

"He needs space," Namjoon corrected Jimin, "We need to give that to him."

Jimin sighed, obviously annoyed that he can't do much more for Hoseok. Yoongi understands it too and looking at the members, he knew they were feeling it too.

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