Chapter 14

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The sun was already setting when I left Hoseok to go buy something in town. He was against me going alone but I insisted that everything was okay and left him. By that, I meant that I literally grabbed my wallet and ran out of there before he could catch up to me.

I walked through the shops, trying to find what I came here for. When I was researching on Hoseok, I noticed that his birthday was literally in a week's time. Knowing that there's a good chance I can't be with him because he'll be working, I decided to get him something from here.

My heart was racing as I hurried from store to store, trying to find what's good for him. What do you get a man who has everything already? Does he want something that cost more than my savings? Or does he like the little things?

After I finally found what I was looking for, I bought it without hesitating and walked back to our rented house. I was glad that Hoseok wasn't around when I got back and rushed to my room before he sees me. I placed the gift in my suitcase and then left my room to find Hoseok. When I heard music from Hoseok's room, I knew he was working on something and so I retreated and walked towards the veranda. If he was working, I shouldn't be disturbing him. That's probably why he was in his room and not in the lounge like before.

I sat down on a chair before curling into a ball, resting my chin on my knees, eyes closed. I thought back to everything that has happened. Although I was happy looking for gifts for Hoseok, I now wish I'd gotten something better for Hoseok even though I knew this was the best I could do. I just hope I'll be able to give it to him and not hide it from him.

I thought of Hoseok's smiles, his laugh, his touch... and that made my heart race. The look in his eyes when he studies me or when he's looking at me can really make me stop breathing. I can't even look at him and breathe properly at the same time. I thought about how his face gentles every time I'm around him and that makes me want to stay close to him. Being cared for by him really makes me forget about our fake marriage.

I opened my eyes and looked at the scenery. As I got to know and see more sides of Hoseok, I was starting to really pray that time will stop. I knew that what I feel every time Hoseok looks at me wasn't just something I'd feel for anyone easily.

Love, I thought to myself, feeling an ache in my chest, I think I might be in love with you.

After a long while, the door behind me slid open and I knew it was Hoseok. I didn't move and kept my eyes glued on the scenery, wishing Hoseok would leave me alone to my thoughts for a while.

"Aren't you cold?"

I shook my head but didn't answer him.

Hoseok moved around me and stood in front of me, hands on the railing, eyes towards the sea. "It's really time to head back home."

I closed my eyes and nodded in response to that even though he wasn't looking at me. I didn't want us to go back to Korea because that would mean being in a big empty house without Hoseok and his warmth. I got used to his presence even when he wasn't around and now that we've spent one whole week with each other, I really don't think I can part from him for many days and nights like before. When did I become so weak around this man?

I felt Hoseok move in front of me and my eyes flickered open. I saw that Hoseok had crouched down in front of me. His eyes were roaming me here and there and I think that's him trying to figure out what's wrong with me.

Then, he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand, "You okay?"

I shook my head.

His eyes warmed. "No?"

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