Chapter 25

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I left a sleeping Hoseok in bed and walked out the door. I was told that the members had other things to do and couldn't make it home so Hoseok and I ate the curry by ourselves. I made sure to pack some in the fridge for him to take to the members when he leaves. They were set to fly out today and although I was sad, I was going to hide it and be happy.

I rounded the corner and came to a stop, eyes wide.

The members were right there in front of me. Jungkook and Seokjin were sharing one couch while Jimin and Taehyung were sharing the other. Yoongi curled into a ball and slept on the single couch and Namjoon was lying on another couch, arms crossed and eyes closed. The minute they noticed me, they all opened their eyes and turned to look at me.

I waved at them and then walked toward the nearest couch in front of me. I ran a hand through my messy hair and attempt to fix my clothes, feeling my face heating up at them staring.

"Jiyeon-ah," I heard Seokjin said.

"Um, yes?" I placed my hands on the couch, tightening my hold on it.

"Do you guys have to be so loud?" Seokjin scowled.

I blushed.

"We heard everything," Yoongi said, closing his eyes. "Everything."

"When did you guys get back?" I blurted, feeling embarrassed.

"We thought it was late," Taehyung gave a knowing smile to Jimin, "apparently we were wrong."

"My ears," Jungkook muttered.

I was about to bolt to my room but felt Hoseok's familiar warmth behind me as he nudged me forward into the back of the couch, hands resting on it to cage me in.

I looked over my shoulders at him and saw that he wasn't wearing a shirt and I felt my face getting hotter than ever as I quickly looked away from him.

"Stop teasing her," Hoseok told them, his voice thick with sleep. His hair was messy and his eyes were blurry with the fog of sleep.

"Hyung, we were so uncomfortable," Jimin told Hoseok although I could tell he was teasing us. "that's why we all gathered here."

Hoseok rolled his eyes at that. "Then you should have left."

"And sleep where?" Namjoon arched an eyebrow. "Outside?"

"Sorry," I blurted, feeling so embarrassed I could die right here and now.

Hoseok chuckled and tousled my hair before stepping back, his eyes on his members as he asked, "Did you lot pack?"

"No," Taehyung answered and then looked at the other members whose eyes were on him. "At least, me anyways."

"We need to run through some things first," Yoongi said, sitting up and yawned. "You think you can make it?"

"I have no other choice," Hoseok muttered.

"Alright then," Seokjin sat up and pulled Jungkook up too. "You go pack your things."

"We'll head out in twenty so make sure you've packed everything," Jimin told the others. His eyes went to Namjoon and he said, "Especially you, hyung."

I grinned at them, feeling happier than ever. It was nice being here with them. I wasn't alone anymore.


"You're pouting."

"I'm not!" I said, crossing my arms. At least I think I wasn't anyways.

Hoseok grinned and looked over his shoulders at the members, "Give me two minutes."

"Take your time," Yoongi muttered as he walked past us. He looked at me and said, "Take care, alright?"

I nodded.

"I'll be back soon," Hoseok said, leaning down and pressing his forehead against mine, "It's only for five days anyways."

"You're leaving a week early," I pointed out.

Hoseok flashed a smile and moved away from me, picking up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder, "I would take you with me if I could, you know."

I sighed. That I know.

"I might not be able to be on the phone much," he told me, "but I'll try to call or text whenever I get the chance."

I smiled, pleased that he was willing to try and communicate with me even when he was going to be so busy.

"Hoseok-ah!" we heard Seokjin called out from the van.

Hoseok sighed and then moved towards me. He placed his hand at the back of my head and pulled me towards him, pressing his lips to my forehead.

"Don't hurt yourself while I'm away," he told me, sternly. "Take care of yourself and wait for me to come back."

I nodded, wrapping my arms around him. I felt his arms come around me as he held me and I swear, I was so close to begging him to take me with him. Instead, I tilted my head up and kissed the crook of his neck before letting go of him and stepping back.

Hoseok's eyes warmed as they took me in, "Later."

I waved and watched as he walked away. The members shouted their goodbyes and I shouted it right back at them. As I watched the van disappear out of my sight, I pray that they get there safely and that they return without any injuries.

Come back safely, I prayed. Each and every one of you.

As I walked back inside, I didn't realise it. That it was... the calm before the storm. Maybe if I'd gone with them or talked things out with Hoseok then... no, if I'd told him I love him then, maybe things would have been different. But that's the thing about life. It never goes my way. 

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