Chapter 10

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As I laid in bed that night, I thought back to the day I've had with Hoseok. After that cotton candy incident, Hoseok and I had dinner before walking back. I was exhausted when we got back and I immediately had a shower before collapsing on the bed.

I couldn't stop smiling when I thought of Hoseok. He went out to the shops with his manager and picked out clothes he thought suited me and bought them for me. He was sweet, loving and attentive. No wonder he has so many fans who devote their time to him and his members. I mean, he took time off work for me even though I wasn't technically his "real" wife. If he did this much for me, I can't even imagine the things he'll do for his real wife. The thought made me wince. I didn't want to imagine him with someone prettier and better than me... but I know it's going to happen one day.

I don't deserve him, I thought to myself as I stopped smiling. Of course not. I just ended things with Dohyun, well, Hoseok did but still. Although I swore I love Dohyun, I wasn't as upset as I should be. I wonder why that is too.

I got up and ran a hand through my hair to smooth it out before leaving my room to find Hoseok. It was eleven now.

I knocked on Hoseok's door and opened the door, only to find that he wasn't in his room. Frowning, I made my way towards the lounge room, thinking he's probably there. When I reached the lounge, I saw him standing out on the veranda with a glass of wine in one hand. He seemed to be in deep thoughts.

I slide the glass door opened and stepped onto the veranda before closing the door behind me. Damn, it was cold out here.

"You should be sleeping," I murmured as I stood beside Hoseok. He had a thin blanket over him as he looked over the balcony.

"What about you?" Hoseok said as he took a sip from his glass, turning his eyes towards me.

I shrugged.

We stood there in silence for a long time. During times like these, I wonder what's going on Hoseok's mind. I wish I could read his mind but then again, he'd probably hate me for disrespecting him and not treating him well after we got married. I don't blame him if he hates me for the way I've been treating him ever since we got married.

"Do you remember how you treated after we got married?" Hoseok suddenly asks.

I bit my lip before mumbling, "You saved me and I didn't treat you well. Not like I'm supposed to anyways."

Hoseok said nothing to that. "Let's set some ground rules while we're at it."

I nodded, ignoring the hurt I was suddenly feeling. Why was I feeling this way when it was me who wanted to set some rules first?

"First," Hoseok lowered his glass and turned to me, "don't be seen with other men in public aside from me. Don't date, flirt or even be around them."

I stared at him.

"Second," he continued, "don't hide anything from me. I know we got secrets and things we don't want to tell others but if there are things I need to know; you need to let me know."

I said nothing to that.

"Third," he looked away, eyes to the beach, "don't mention anything about our situation to anyone. The members don't know about it and my parents and older sister don't too. What happened between your father, you and me stays between us three."

"Lastly, be a good wife when you're in public," he said. "People are always watching the members and me so be careful with what you do and say since it'll affect my members too."

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