Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

As I entered the premises, Norbert greeted me and send me some luck for tonight's performance. I really don't know if gonna do well tonight after all that happened earlier. This day has gone so bad and I don't want it to ruin this moment for me, it's all I have to escape the fact that I'm thirsty for my freedom and it's all I ever wanted. I will do everything I can just to have it, I will but in this kind of situation, I'm partly lost the purpose of it. Life dropped me so hard, I couldn't even get up with my own two feet. I keep pushing myself to the limits and it's too much, it's gonna be the end.

My shoulders are weary, couldn't feel the excitement and urge to do this but I need to. The club isn't fully open until nine in the evening. There were staffs cleaning, aligning the desks and checking the sounds and lights. All are preparing for tonight—well, this was their routine and for me, I wouldn't totally get used to this.

I headed straight to the back room in which the performer is preparing for tonight's performance. As I get inside, there are unfamiliar faces who are starting to prepare themselves. When they look at me, they smiled and I just do the same. I might be called for being friendly when an awarding comes. I stayed at the corner, sit on the stool and watch them prepared.

MD wasn't around, some of the performers aren't present yet. I got here early, good for me. Watching these people made me realize that this line of work doesn't bother them at all because, at the end of the day, they just needed to pay bills. These people weren't joking about the profession they took, they've worked hard for it and they've put themselves on the line whether the things are risky and dangerous. It's part of their job and I salute them for that but still, in my honest opinion, was wrong into my eyes.

A moment later when someone came in and saw her, she was holding her costume. Our eyes met for a second but she immediately put her attention to the other performers and told them something. I'm just listening and watching them, for a first-timer, I should observe often what are the things happen in this kind of field and how it really works.

"Hey..." when she caught my attention, my eyes immediately shifted on her. She's walking closer towards me, "I noticed you've been glancing at me for the last few minutes, what's up?"

I smirked, "nothing, I'm just trying to get comfortable with this new environment."

She nodded, maybe wasn't satisfied with my answer. "Oh, wait, are you thew new Stallion?"


"Oh," she laughs, "Darcy doesn't say to you, it's what we call to male performers. Stallions just manifest their being and so are you. I may think that we haven't actually formally meet yet?"

"Maybe." I shrugged off my shoulder, "I'm Dicky."

She paused for a minute, "Is that your real name? Oh don't tell me, Darcy gave you your screen name, right?"

I nodded on her, "yes, he says it's for privacy."

She nodded, agreed. "Yes, that's kinda what we do here. Anyway, I'm Lilac." And she handed her hands and we shake our hands, she didn't immediately lose it while she's trying to feel it. "And if I'm not mistaken, you're the one I've bumped last night, right?"

I chuckle, "yeah, I remember that. Yeah, Lilac. That's your name, I couldn't just recognize you because it was dimmed last night."

"You'll get used to it." She said.

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