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I have seen things my brother did I wasn't aware before. I didn't do anything. It didn't bother me as long as it doesn't have anything to do with my life. But I never thought that my life would turn out to be in hell when he introduced me into a world I couldn't run—or in either way I did, I could be dead and found my lifeless body lying alongside the road. The risk of situations I have been into was never an easy option 'cause I never had a chance to escape it away.

And I could still remember how it brought me to hell... and now, I'm struggling to find an exit to the fire burning path I walked into. It burns me away to those I love and lost too much because of it.

Our Friday night ended early. Everyone is busy and couldn't get the fun we had when there's a lot on our plate tonight. I didn't even get to drink as many as I can, but a bottle of beer is enough. Good thing it didn't get to my head and get to drive home safe. Surely thing they advise, don't drive when your drunk and it's a great precaution.

When I got into my room, I immediately removed my clothes and throw it to the basket. I lay down and could totally rest my back after a long day from school and our trip night. I put the shoes on my feet by the other and let the socks stay on it. I took a deep breath and for a while, I'm just staring at the ceiling until I heard a loud crash downstairs and rummaging footsteps running upstairs.

I prepared myself for an upcoming danger. I pick up my phone to dial the police. I stood up from the bed and was about to reach for a hard object to arm as a weapon, the intruder opens my room and I've seen who is it. My chest comes out of relief when I realize that it was only my brother.

But there's something wrong with him. He's sweating, he's in tension panic, couldn't read his reaction, but I do think that he's in trouble... again.

"What's the matter, Gio?" I asked him, trying to understand what's happening by his immediate action.

He didn't bother to answer directly my question. He caught up to me. Grab my arms and we're about to leave the room but I shoved my arms away from his hands and ask him once again what's happening.

"You just need to answer my questions, Gio. What did you do?"

"I know I should've done it again... and I'm sorry for bringing you into this situation but I need your help."

Still, out of the context but he's getting there.

"Before I get to help you, first answer me for the freaking nth time, what did you do brother?"

"I'm gonna tell you on the road but I need your help to get me out of the city."

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"You are driving our father's car."

I smirked and shook my head out of disagreement, "no, I wouldn't do that. Our father would kill both of us if we both use his precious baby car, don't you know that?"

"I know that..." he sighed, "but please... I'll tell you what happened just get me out of here."

"This is stupid."

"I know." He agreed and I couldn't add it for more. It's a fact.

"And where do I find dad's car key?"

"I know where. Follow me."

I still don't know what to do or what to think to all of what he said. I just followed him leaving the room, leading the way into our parent's room and hastily check the desk to search for dad's car key and when he did, he throws it to me and still doesn't know my role on his stupid decisions. I don't know how my brother ended up into this kind of situation. I've seen him worse but not like this, he's like trying to run away from things he doesn't have to do.

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