Her Love, Their Fate [End]

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As Tatsumi had suggested, Najenda moved her troops towards the Empire. With Budo gone, a full frontal attack was the best plan she could come up with. Trying to be sneaky and going on a stealth mission was just a waste of time. There was no way they could sneak up on Esdeath. She had to already know that they were coming. She decided to wait until sunset when there would be less people in the streets.

Esdeath had also taken Tatsumi's advice. He had told her to just wait outside the gates rather than chasing them down. There was no need to waste her troops resources when they were coming to her. So she stood  out in front of the gates as suggested.  Lo and behold, there they were.  How he knew they'd be here, she would have to question later.

"So..." She began, staring at Najenda as her troops including Night Raid came to a halt.

"You've decided to come out of hiding and fight like a real General, old friend?" She questioned sarcastically.

"It's time to end this war Esdeath!" She roared back.

"Well, I couldn't agree with you more. If you surrender now, I will give you a swift and painless death." Esdeath eyes narrowed.

"Come with you and allow the corruption to rule? Not! Happening!" She told her.

"Splendid! I knew you would say that! It would be no fun any other way! I can not wait to take you to the torture chambers."

Najenda looked at Akame and she nodded silently.

Akame walked toward Esdeath and all troops stilled waiting for their respective leaders' order.

"I will be your opponent, Esdeath." Akame said nonchalantly as she took her stance.

"Ah yes, The One-Cut Killer Akame. An imperial trained assassin gone rouge with the teigu, Murasame. I've been told you may be the only one able to actually fight me and not perish within a matter of seconds." Esdeath mocked.

She shot towards her in a flash, allowing only trained eyes to see her. She rose a dome of ice around them allowing no interruptions as she was hungry for blood. With her Demon Extract on the loose lately this is exactly what she needed to make herself feel..."normal". She hoped anyway. However, she felt deep down that this wasn't giving her the thrill she usually had when facing a strong opponent.

As the dome was nearly completed Mein took a shot with her sniper rifle, Pumpkin.The blast of energy shot fast with a loud boom! However, the shot was blocked by a large disfigured dog. He took the shot straight to the chest.

"Damnit!" Mein hissed as she rushed towards away from her now spotted location.

"Koro!" Seyru yelled aloud, gaining the attention of everyone including Night Raid.

The dog began to heal himself and grew an unnatural killing aura.



Tatsumi walked quickly past the soldiers rushing to the front lines.He was glad the distraction he set up was actually working. If Najenda hadn't showed like he had advised, getting to the minister would have been a much harder task. He had been ordered to protect the Minister in an underground bunker of sorts. As he reached the door leading to the room underground, he knocked twice and then the door opened quickly as he rushed in. It was perfect. He was with the man that had caused this damn war to begin with.

"Can you believe those damned barbaric peasants dare come here and show their face! Trying to come here and ruin my Empire!" Those damned rats!" He hollered, forgetting that Tatsumi was even in the room. Although he figured a little bribe would keep him quiet. He turned around and started biting his nails, thinking about what he could do to stop what was happening.

Her Love, Their Fate [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now