The Search [FULL]

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The Jaegers all awoke at the alarming scream they heard from their general's quarters. Wave immediately called upon his imperial arms; Grand Chariot and rushed out of his room. There he meets similar faces with thier own imperal arms ready to go.

"What the hell was that"!? Wave asked 

"Don't know but it definitely came from the General" Bols said.

With a shake of their heads in agreance, the team ran up to their general's chamber.

A few minutes later, they were busting down her door.

"GENERAL"!!!! Wave yelled as he was the first in the room.

Their general looked at them, she had anger in her eyes but masked it well and put on her commanding officer face.

"And...why are you busting down my door at this hour"? Their General asked.

Hearing that, the Jaegers relaxed seeing that no unknown presence was there, however they quickly re-tensted realizing that just bust their general's  door. The General Esdeath's door! 

Shit, we are so dead.  Wave thought.

Wave opened his mouth to speak but was cut off my Bols. He figured he'd take the blunt of the punishment for interrupting thier General night. He was the closest "emotionally" to the general. He would occasionally speak with her on terms of love, having a wife and kid of his own so it shouldn't be that bad of a punishment.

"We heard screams and came right away, is everything alright general"?
He asked, finally answering her.

She pondered the question for a moment. She then sighed.

"As you can see, Tatsumi has... escaped, so we are going to go look for him". She said with clear annoyance in her otherwise harsh tone.

Her Jaegers relaxed once more. Well, all but Wave which Esdeath noticed.

"What is it Wave"?

Wave was hesitant. He gave the map to Tatsumi...which means, he let him escape.

Shit shit shit shit! I really am dead now!!!  He thought clearing his throat.

"P-permison to s-speak general..."? He asked trailing off.

"Speak". She said growing tired of waiting for his answer.

Better now then never! He thought before talking hurriedly to get it all if his chest.


Confused Esdeath walked up to him and grabbed his shoulders tight, although she smiled she wasn't happy.

"What"!?! She said through clenched teeth.

Wave was mentally preparing his will as he slowed down and said in a quite voice...

"I gave him a map.... he told me it was for a mission you sent him on..."

He bowed and countiued to speak.

"I am truly sorry for my blunder, Commander"! 


Another sigh escaped her mouth. She knew it wasn't necessarily his fault. For all he knows he was just following orders.

"Raise your head, Wave".

She looked at him straight in the eyes and visibly relaxed.

"I am not mad nor angry with you, you didn't know..."

Wave relaxed and let out a sigh of relief.


When she continued he was standing up right again.

"Don't let it happen again". She said with a cold tone.

Wave saluted hard and replied with a "Yes, Ma'am"!

Seryu interrupted and asked the question they all were thinking.

" Tatsumi a traitor, is he our enemy now"?

The room fell silent. Esdeath didn't want to believe that, not yet.  Not until she was sure for herself.

"Right now that is not for me to say, I'll let him explain why he ran away from me and depending on his answer, will determine if he is our enemy or not. For now go back to your quarter and rest we have a mission starting tomorrow morning".

"Understood". They said and started filing out of the room.

Before he left the room, Bols went up to his commander and but a hand on her shoulder.

"He will come around, it took me to propose twice before my wife agreed to our marriage". He chuckled lightly remembering the memeories, then he continued.

"Don't take it as you didn't love him enough, just stay persistent and he'll fall for you in no time"! Bols encouraged. He released her shoulder and walked out of the room. Leaving Esdeath to her own thoughts.

Fate will bring us together again my love. I promise you that!  She though, entering the bathroom to shower and soon after rest for her mission on the northern border.

*Somewhere far north of the capital*

"My son, do not worry, stay here and hide"

"Where the hells' the little shit at"???

"Do not dare touch my son! That man has nothing to do with us anymore"!!

"Sorry lady, your deadbeat husband didn't pay up so now you have too... if you don't have the money, your body will do just fine won't it boys???




"MOM"!!!! Tatsumi's eyes shot open just as fast as his body had sat up on its own. He was covered in sweat and his hand had been reaching outward as if trying to grab something...or save someone.

"That damned nightmare". He said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

He checked his surroundings and realized he had fallen asleep under a large tree. Getting up, he grabbed his satchel and and took his stolen map out.

"Looks like of I keep heading north I'll be home, just a few more miles". He said optimistically.

He took out an apple and orange and feed his new horse friend an apple while feeding himself the orange.

"Hear that girl? Just a few more miles and we will be home, I can't wait to see my friends mom". He said slowly remembering his horrible mightmare.

As if sensing his sorrow, the horse licked his face and nieghed.

"Thanks girl, I'll keep my head up". He said with that innocent smile of his.

After eating his early breakfast he headed off to his village again.

Finished! I hope you are enjoying the story so far!

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