The Plan

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Esdeath yanked her hand out of her victim. Which caused a pained expression to come upon Sayo's beaten face. It was the only expression she had made the entire time. She was so strong and didn't crack. Not even once. Tatsumi couldn't think. His brain wasn't comprehending what he was seeing. He was literally shutting down. His best friend, NO! She was more then that, she was like a sister to him. She was chained to a dirty, stained wall in the torture chambers! She had blotches and bruises all along her body. Her clothes were torn and shredded. Boils...scattered her body like the plague. He felt queasy looking at her but he couldn't look away. After a while Tatsumi finally spoke.

"S-sayo, is that really y-you"??????

"H-h-hey you...". She started to say before coughing up more blood.

Tatsumi walked closer to her.

"Don't talk! I'll get you out of here. Just stay with me PLEASE"!!! Tatsumi said pleading, tears still streaming down his face.

She shook her head slightly, causing Tatsumi's eyes to widen. She knew she wasn't going to make it. She had suffered through hours and hours of torture on end. She didn't know why he was here, but she was glad she got to see him again. She knew he always ended up in some kind of trouble, but this was more then just childish games. This was a full on war and he needed to be on the right side. He needed to know what was really going on.


She started to say, she was could feel herself slipping away. She needed to hurry!

"Don't trust them....Tatsi".

Her nickname for her brother was the last word that uttered out of her mouth before her body went limp and her blood ran cold... She was dead.


"She......She just passed out r-r-right? Shes fine right"!?!?

Esdeath looked at her man, she heard the sorrow in his voice. She didn't like seeing him like this. She didn't know how to respond to the question and when Tatsumi didn't hear her answer, he fell to his knees. He sat there and cried and cried and continued to cry. He was going through so many emotions, pain, sorrow, disbelief, but the one that was the strongest was anger. He was enraged. How could he not be? Esdeath had killed Sayo.

Sayo didn't do anything! She was a kind, easy going, good hearted person, who would never hurt anyone! He thought.

Sayo's last words reverberated in his mind, again and again.

"Don't trust them...".

After a moment Tatsumi finally spoke, his voice was dark, deep, and dangerously low. As if he was someone else completely.

"Why...why did you kill her? How could you kill-no, murder my best friend?

Esdeath didn't know what possessed him to talk like that to her but she like it. That dark tone he had. The blood lust he had in him. That aura she felt made her...excited. She knew he was the one for her and she would never let him go. Although this "hate" was built up from her actions, she figured after showing him how much she truly loved him, he would forgive her.

She needed to figure a way out of this situation and fast. She promised herself that she wouldn't hurt Tatsumi again, though this time was unintentional. She hated seeing him hurt but this new side of him was dark...and she loved it. She didn't really want to give it up. Despite the fact that she loved him, she had a job as a General of the Imperial Army. Even if her lover disagrees with her actions.

This only strengthened Tatsumi's decision to leave. He was done. He wanted to get back home and move as far away from this cold, sadistic women as possible. He knew he couldn't do it by just asking. Now, he was going to have to escape. He wiped his tears and calmed down. He had to play it off like he forgave her.

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