The First Kill [Part 2]

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"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

To say Esdeath was speechless was an understatement.

"T-Tasumi, what did you just say? Could you repeat that?" She blushed heavily.

Something she's never done before. Something that was completely new for her. Something weak in her eyes. Yet, she was willing to invite these new feelings in when Tatsumi was around. In fact nothing but his safety matter when he was near her. All other matters, including the Empire, seemed...trivial.

Tatsumi had became as red as Esdeath was. What the hell did I just say? WHY did I just say that???

"Um-uh! I just-!" He didn't know how to respond. In fact, he didn't expect to say what he was thinking out loud!

"Come on Tatsumi, tell me again." She said, staring at him...wantingly

It took everyone ounce of her being to restrain herself. Hearing those words from her lover. Her mate.

Her Tatsumi.

She wanted to take him right then and there. She could take him right then and there. Who was stopping her? However every time she tried moving in order to make an advance on him, she would stop. Freeze up. His embarrassment, his weakness was becoming her own. Although she loved him, his weaknesses were rubbing off on her. She won't allow him to be weak. She won't allow herself to become weak.

"I said you are beautiful, and I meant it." He said recovering from his stuttering state and pulling her out of her thoughts.

"I thought the same thing the very first time I meant you Esdeath. You are extremely gorgeous and undoubtedly attractive. However..."

His "however" caught her off guard. He turned around within her embrace, facing her. He then smiled a devious and challenging smirk.

"However, your beauty will not stop me from my goal. I will change you Esdeath, I'll change you in order to show you that you don't need the thrill from torturing or the battlefield! In fact you don't even need this Empire. I will change you too see the world through my eyes!" He stated proudly.

He had finally said it. He had being meaning to say it for awhile. He needed her to know that he was going to take this Empire down but in order to not end up in the torture chamber himself, he needed to present it as a challenge to her.

She smiled at him. Completly shocked once again! Who knew he would challenge her so boldly? This is why she loved him. She loved how it didn't matter who she was. To him she was a woman, maybe a scary, sadistic one at that, but a woman nonetheless. Tatsumi was the one person she could feel on par with, someone who was an actual challenge. Someone she had to conquer.

"Oh~? You think you can defy me hmm? Well I accept your challenge Tatsumi but know this. I will not change for anyone. It is you who will see this weak world through my eyes and who will conform to me! You will be the one to change!" She declared right back at him! Only to reaffirm her notion from early, promising herself that she will not fall to Tatsumi's weaknesses.

Challenge accepted! He thought.

They stared at each other for only a moment longer before he remembered the whole reason he came in here in the first place!

"Fuck!! I totally forgot!" He shouted, more to himself that anything before being released by the Ice Queen.

"That isn't very befitting languauge of a future General Tatsumi." She mused walking over to her desk to look over a few papers.

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