The End is Near

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"It's rejecting you isn't it?"

Esdeath looked at him from her seat. She was sitting right next to him near the edge of her bed. He was sitting up, his back to the headboard of her bed. The recently stitched wounds sticking out like a sore thumb. His question was rhetorical, they both knew the answer already. She had bit him. Not in the playful-sexual manner she had done so before. No, this time was predatory. She saw him as an enemy to be tamed. Her instincts telling her that he was a wild beast within her ranks.

Esdeath looks away and towards the floor. She couldn't look at him. She was ashamed with herself for being so weak. "Ashamed". That was new. She let her Demon Extract take control of her. Her. The strongest within the Empire. She was weak. No- that wasn't it. She had become weak. She was most definitely stronger than anyone even that grumpy old great general couldn't compare to her. So how did she become like this. What made her hurt Tatsumi again.

She stayed silent and thought, this could possibly ruin his potential.

Yet, she knew she did not love a weak man. Weak. What does that word even mean anymore. She allowed herself to be controlled.


She was lost within her own thoughts.

What wold have happened if I had killed him?!?!

What if he try and escape from me again. 

Could I handle that?

Last time it was because I killed his friend...this time I attacked him...

What was this feeling? It was a defiant first for her. She looked at her hands.

I'm s-shaking?

She put a hand subconsciously to her mouth.

Stuttering?? Me?


She jumped only slightly from hearing his voice.

What the hell has gotten into me?  She cursed herself silently.

When she was pulled from her thoughts once more, she kept her eyes on the floor. Anger evident in them.

Damn, she won't even look at me... Tatsumi thought.

He sighed.

"Fear is what you are feeling right now. That's okay. It's completely norm-"

"Fear!?!?" She interrupted.

"I, a General of the Empire, fear nothing and no one!" She stood up straight telling him matter-a-factly.

She still wasn't looking at him.

"Es..." He called his nickname for her, trying to make her look his way.

"I love you."

That did the trick. Her head snapped towards him. Confusion was the look on her face this time.

I'm sure she's thinking 'How could you say something like that at a time like this!'

"How could you say something like that at a time like this!?!?" She question drastically, blushing heavily.

He chuckled softly.

He stared at her. As if saying don't take your eyes off of me. Then, he answered.

"Es, I love you. I want you in my life. I love the calm, collected you. The one who has a smirk on her face when she has a plan in mind. The one that teases me and allows me to tease her back. The one that takes care of me and loves me. The strong, passionate Esdeath. The woman who would do anything to save my life. Not the woman who tortured and killed my best friend. The one who burned down my home and used it as a battlefield. (Note: The only reason Esdeath burned down his home was because of the battle.) He paused. Tears began to flicker in his eyes, threatening to fall but he held them back.

Her Love, Their Fate [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now