The First Kill [Part 1]

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Najenda sat in her chair, lighting another cigar.

"With Esdeath back in town, there has been at least 20 more officials and their bodyguards found dead. According to our scouts, she's been sending her three beasts: Daidara, who wields the Double-Bladed Broad Ax: Belvark. He's extremely tough and relies only on brute strength.  Nyau, who has a teigu that apparently puts the victim to sleep and finally, the Ex Commander Liver..."

Bulat visibly cringed after hearing the name of his former superior.

"...His imperial arms, if he has one is unknown. However, if he is working for Esdeath then he must be strong. There are three reasons this concerns me."

She holds up a flyer that has the Night Raid logo on it.

"One, they have been scattering these all over their crime scenes. Blaming Night Raid for these attacks. Two, these officials are all people who were defying the Empire. They are going around  to different villages and poor lands that the Empire has neglected and helping them out-"

Akame interrupted.

"They are killing the exact people we need alive." She stated nonchalantly.

"Right. They are sullying our name with these flyers and ravaging the graces of the ones we've lost! Leading people to believe Night Raid really is out to destroy the Empire for our own goals and not for the greater good." She announced!

The room became gloomy, the assassins remembering the lost of their beloved friends: Sayo and Ieyasu. They had received a letter from the revolutionist groups the two were in. Saying they never came back from their exhibition. Trying to lighten up the mood a bit, Lubbock asked Najenda a question.

"...And the third reason boss?" he asked quietly.

"Ah, the third is because we have reason to believe that Esdeath will send her three beasts on a cruise line hosted by another on of these activists. Clearly it is a trap, one to lure Night Raid out. But we will take the bait!" She said enthusiastically. 

"WHATTTT!?!?" The whole room erupted! 

"You want us to walk into Esdeath's Death trap?? You've got to be losing it boss!" Leone questioned.

"'ll get us killed." Akame said emotionless.

"Calm down everyone! I would never willingly put you in harms way. However,  you did sign up for this job knowing full well you could die at any moment..."

Everyone went silent. They knew she spoke the truth. They all signed their lives away for a better Empire so there was no turning back now.

"Bulat, Lubbock, and Sheele will check out the cruise line. There will already be bodyguards there but you three will provide extra support. We both know that they will surely attack that ship next to draw us out, will you accept this job? There is no guarantee you will come back alive." 

She asked them, genuinely caring about their lives but more importantly if they can finish the mission.

"As you said..." Bulat starts,

"We signed our lives away when we agreed to change the Empire together, we all knew this job was dangerous. There's no changing that, so no matter what job you give me, I'll do it." He finished.

Sheele just nodded with a simple smile. She too knew what this line of work consisted off, that's why she was so good at it.

"Right! No way in hell I'd back down from a classic Empire ass whooping." Lubbock added on.

Especially with all the smokin' hot ladies at these types of parties. Score!  Lubbock thought.

Although he didn't say it out loud, everyone in the room knew exactly what he was thinking just from the look in his eyes. 

Pervert. They all thought simultaneously.

"...Anyway, The rest of you will keep a lookout on Esdeath's movements. There has also been word that she has gathered a personal police force of teigu user's herself.  They are known as the Jaegers. So lookout for any new faces patrolling the Empire's streets. Do not engage, even if they are alone..." 

She stares at Leone and Akame who are the most "battle hungry". They avoid her gaze, whistling quietly with the slight blush of a guilty party.  

"...Report back immediately if you find anything. Alright, you have your missions. Prepare and all of you come back safe, that's an order!" She commanded, the voice she learned to command with in her military days seeping through.

"Yes Boss!' They all replied going their separate ways.


"Understood, Your Majesty". Tatsumi said before exiting the throne room.

Tatsumi sighed, quickly getting the attention of his Second in Command.

"Rough day Sir?" she asked concerned. 

"Huh? Oh, yeah" He laughed, rubbing his neck sheepishly. "More importantly, we have a mission from the Emperor. Gather everyone in our meeting hall within the next 15 minutes, I must speak with Es-General Esdeath about this." 

"Understood Sir." She said while saluting. 

Tatsumi walked with a stride to Esdeath's chambers. When he reached the door he took a deep sigh. 

She won't be happy with me leaving but General Marcus will be going there as well, it maybe my only chance to kill him for Night Raid. It will be difficult but I need their help if I'm going to change this corrupted place. For Sayo and Ieyasu. 

Before he touched the doorknob, Esdeath had already opened the door knowing the exact presence of her mate from pure primal instinct. 

"Hey Esdeat-!" Before he could finish, Esdeath had wrapped him into a warm death hug. Successfully strangling him. From his normal pale, brown tinted skin to the blue color of Esdeath's eyes, he started turning blue almost losing consciousness from the lack of air.  Thankfully right before he was knocked out, Esdeath let him go but only enough to let him breathe. 

"Sooooo. How did the meeting with the Emperor go?" Esdeath questioned, still holding him in the doorway.

He looked up at her beginning to answer only to stop before uttering a single word. He became entranced by her features, more specifically her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes. Those eyes that saw destruction and torture as pleasure yet could become so loving around him. The same eyes that he saw loving the feel of Sayo's flesh being ripped apart but were so concerned when he was hurt....The eyes that he was starting to fall in love with. He'd never admit it out loud but he couldn't hide his feelings. He was beginning to fall for her, whether he wanted to or not. Just spending time with her be it on missions, during training or even waking up next to her. He had began to see another side of the blue haired General. A side that she didn't even she herself. A side of good.  At that moment something strange happened to Tatsumi. His heart raced and his eyes sparkled. For just a simple moment he wasn't worried about Night Raid, his mission, or even the Empire. The only thing he could see was what was right in front of him. Only Esdeath. Only her. 

Esdeath stared back at her lover, concern began to swell in her heart. 


"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked abruptly!

Cliff hanger? I know lol I can't spoil everything in one chapter now can I? Love y'all!

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