The Party

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That's all Tatsumi saw, nothing was surrounding him. He was in a floating state with complete darkness around him. Engulfing him.

"Where...where am I?"

"Ah! Master you have awakened!! So glad you decided to come, welcome to my domain."

Suddenly, the darkness evaporated and a beautiful meadow appeared! With grass and green as his emerald eyes and flowers swaying in the light breeze.

"Your...domain? Who are you? Where are you?" Tatsumi asked, beginning to wonder.

"It's me, silly, it's Lionheart! Right above you."

Tatsumi sat up and turned his head around, seeing a grown woman that was as pale as a ghost. Fleshlike but not completely human, she had sparkling white hair and a dress long enough to be a carpet.

"Lionheart? You were a woman!?!" Tatsumi asked bewildered, swearing he heard a man's voice the first time he meet her as a dragon.

As if reading his mind she replied.

"How rude! Just because you first saw me as a dragon does not mean I am male! Well technically I am what you see me as. Male or female. So I wonder why it is you see this version of me now..." she said smiling wryly.

Tatsumi blushed and looked away.

"So tell me, why am I here exactly?"

"Well currently you are fighting for you life...again. You see when you called upon me you were about to die. On top of that you were filled with anger and rage. Why I wonder...? When you found that girl that tortured your friend you were enraged as well. At that time I did not take away your life force for it was to avenge your friend. This time, your rage was different. It was greedy and raw. You say you don't love this General Esdeath, that you want nothing more than to return to your normal life... Yet you fight so hard against this other General that to our knowledge did nothing wrong. That is what caused me to take so much of your life force." She said as Tatsumi listened.

"As we discussed, in order to persevere as much life as you can you must use me in a pure state of mind. Which is why I allowed you to wield me in the first place. As soon as I see you become greedy and corrupt, I will take your life force. And eventually swallow you whole."

Tatsumi stayed quiet, trying to process the words she spoke.

"Look" she opened up some sort of window within the sky showing him what he would see if his eyes were open in the real world. He was in the medical center recovering with a worried Esdeath and team looking over him. Waiting and watching.

"That General is by your side, even though you say she knows not what love is. You are trying to deceive her for your own gain. That is costing you your life. If you are truly trying to destroy this corrupt and evil place...

Tatsumi began to get sleepy and his eyes lids became heavy.

"Do so, however, be warned. Soon you will face great trails that will test this will of yours. Forcing you to choose between what YOU believe is right or wrong. For now you must return, Master."

Her Love, Their Fate [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora