The Strongest

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Esdeath and her army were sent out a few hours ago to defend the capital from the attack of the Revolutionary Army. The chaos caused by these treasonist was getting out of hand. There were riots and break-ins throughout the city though she didn't mind as long as she had her fun. She was approaching a street and could sense 10 others on the roofs above. A crooked and wicked smile appeared on her face as she felt the very same aura she was displaying herself. She whispered to herself in a dark and hungry tone "Finally..." One man then screamed at the top of his lungs "FOR THE REVOLUTIONNNNN"!!!! As they all jumped at her at once she sighed realizing that they had no sense of style at all. With a snap of her fingers ice spikes grew from the ground piercing each member of the revolutionary army in there chest. Their warm crimsion blood ran down the ice slightly melting it but in all having no effect. She scoffed at their effort as she walked past them to where the rest of the fighting could be heard knowing the main event was soon to come. She would soon find an opponent that could at least keep up with her. An opponent that ran the bulk of the revolutionary army, the most wanted assassins in the entire kingdom. Night Raid.

*Back To The Young Man*

He had made his way towards the sounds of fighting and weapons clashing. He saw imperial soilders fighting (though they looked more like they were defending themselves then actually fighting back) against a strange group of people he could only assume were apart of the revolution. He saw 3 powerful, energetic, warriors dominating the battlefield. The one leading the charge was a slender yet oh so thicc women with a black suit with lace from her cleavage to her neck. She had slivery-greyish hair. One of her eyes was covered by a black eye patch while the other was a beautiful almost periwinkle color. She had a dark green prosthetic arm that retracted at the wrist. He then saw a young girl with a black blouse and skirt and jet black hair, she had a white and black striped collar with a crimson red tie. Her eyes were the same color as your tie a deep, dark red. She was running towards one of the Imperial soldiers and with a quick slash from her sword there was red writing on his body as he fell to the ground. The young man made a mental note to not get cut by that sword. He saw another Imperial soldier running towards the young girl however, he was quickly stopped by red tipped spear impaling through his stomach. The young man searched for whoever threw the spear and he saw a large man covered in silver shining armor from head to toe. He plucked the spear from the corpse and walked over to the young girl. The young man decided to stay hidden until the right moment that way he can make some sort of grand entrance to impress the Imperials. All of a sudden he felt some sort of chill which made him shiver, he knew it was cold but it shouldn't be enough to send shivers down his spine like this. He soon realized where the cold chill came from it was from a beautiful busty woman with a white and black Imperial uniform that fit her body in all the right places and showed some sort of mark or emblem on the upper middle of her chest right between her breasts and her thoart. She had beautiful light azure blue hair with just slightly darker eyes. Judging from how she conducted herself and the relief and somewhat hint the fear he saw on the soldiers faces when when she arrived, he concluded she was some sort of Commander. The young man then thought to himself that this was the perfect opportunity. If a commander of an army saw him fight it should be even easier to help his village but his timing has to be just right.

I know there isn't a lot of dialogue yet but I want to set the story in the right place first before things get spicy and lemony (insert lenny face)

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