The Lover?

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Tatsumi wakes up in a dark cold room. His eyes opened wide when he realizes that he's not staring at the strawed ceiling of his hut in his village but at a dark navy blue headboard of a very large, comfortable, and strangely sweet smelling bed. Where the hell am I? He thought slowly sitting up but then reaches to his side and winces at the pain he endured from earlier that day. Day he though as he looks out the small circular window that was providing the only light in the room due to the moon to see that night has fallen. Jeez, how long have I been out. As if on cue the beautiful blue haired woman known as General Esdeath walked through her chamber doors. As their eyes meet, She devoured him in his half naked state. His slender yet built body and his stong arms and hard toned muscles, although seeing his  body covered in bandages makes her cringe a little knowing it was her that made him look like that.

Tatsumi on the other hand, had been sweating bullets. Why is she staring at me. She must be thinking of some way to get rid of me. Why am I even here and where is here??? he thought suspectingly.


he began

" what you see"?



What the hell was that, of all the things to say to a general of the Imperial freaking army, that's what I come up with. Why not a "Where am I? He thought while mentally face-palming himself. Esdeath surprised by his question lets out a little chuckle as she moves closer to him and sits on her bed.

"I see you're awake, don't freak out. You are at the Empire's capital building specifically my chambers. And to answer you first question, Yes I do. However, My dear Tatsumi those bandages don't suit you at all".

Now it was his turn to be surprised. The empire huh? Well that's part one of impress the empire done. Now what? More importantly..."my dear" what's that about?

"Well it was either this or me bleeding out in the middle of the street and I prefer to live thank you".

Another chuckle escaped her lips as she said,

"As do I and in order for that to happen you need to get stronger and I will be the one to train you..." she paused.

"But first..."

She licked her lips with want and took his mouth with her's. At first it was rough and hard but it soon grew soft and sweet. Tatsumi starry-eyed and flustered moved back and blushed hard.

"W-w-what was that for"!!

He tired to say in the most manly voice he could muster. She looked at him, lust in her eyes.

"You helped me out back there, although..."

She emphasized.

"I could tell you had other intentions for doing so..."

she smiled coily thinking about her next sentence.

"...and in return I have claimed you as my lover"!

He stared at her, stunned.


He thought aloud.

"Yes, I have been in search for one recently.  Your fighting skills are quite admirable, but they do need work. You also risked your life for me, whatever your intentions were you still came to me so it must be fate".

He looked at her, right in the eyes. This was a little more than what I had bargained for although I'm  not complaining but still. A general not to mention one so beautiful but a general in love with me?

The General tried to read his facial expression. She frowned and begin to worry. Maybe I came onto him a little too strong, she thought. Not wanting to wait any longer for his reply she asked only slightly nervous.

"Are you not happy with me or is there another women who already has your heart"?

Thinking about another woman all over him, kissing him and holding him, made her blood boil. Tatsumi, noticing how her aura went from loving to lethal, decided it would be better to answer quickly.

"Oh no no that's not it. I'm just surprised, I mean we just met and I don't even know anything abo-".

He was interrupted with a finger pressing against his lips.

"All you need to know is that you are mine just as much as I am your's, the rest will follow".

She said in a low seducing voice beginning to snuggle up against him. Running her hands over his shirtless torso. Ruining their moment though, Tatsumi begin to speak with a little hesitation.

"Well...what if I don't want to be your's...per se".

Her smile faded and her face began to shift into discomfort and cold heartedness as she sat up away from him. Realizing that he's has made a huge mistake he asked quietly in a soft tone.

"Um...Ms-Ms. Esde-".

Once again he was cut off, not by a finger but by a hand slapping him across his face as the sound echoed off the walls in the now silent room.

"That is not an option Tatsumi. She said in her cold authoritative voice. "You will become mine or I will break you until you submit to me".

Shocked and a little hurt Tatsumi tore their gaze and looked to the floor.

"I'm not easily broken..."

He mumbled almost at a whisper hoping she wouldn't hear. She did though and said returning back to her loving state,

"That will only make it all the more fun".

She held his face in her hand and began moving her mouth to his redend check to lick it. Tatsumi backed away again surprised by her forwardness but not necessarily upset. Esdeath rose from the bed and moved her way to the bathroom. Tatsumi began looking around trying to formulate some sort of escape plan. Esdeath noticed and before she closed the door to the bathroom she sighed and said

"Please don't try to escape, every single guard in the palace has orders to kill you on the spot".

He looked at her in confusion but hid it quickly and nodded. With that she closed the clear stained glass door and began to run the water for her shower. Tatsumi stared at the door looking at the curvy silhouette as she begin to undress, he blushed and quickly turned away laying back down on the bed. He closed his eyes and thought to himself What have I gotten myself into this time, before drifting back into sleep.

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