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*not edited

"Holy shit! You And Mr—"

"Can you keep your voice down my brother's room is right down the hall. Fewer people that know the better."

"How did this even happen? What about that 'he's my teacher and neighbor nothing will ever happen' crap," Paris asked.

"Well it happened after the first football game, I felt bad about breaking things off with Eli because my crush for Shawn kept intervening. I saw him on his porch and we were talking which lead to us kissing and confessing our feelings." I explained the brief version.

"Woah I'd figured you were seeing someone else but this takes the cake. Wait Mr. Mendes first name is Shawn." I nod.

"Promise you won't tell anyone, not Greyson not Rose. Not anyone. Fewer people that know the better." I repeat because Paris needs to know how important it is for her to keep this a secret.

"Rose is gonna be mad if she ever finds out."

"I'll tell her if we get serious, but right now it's just for fun so I didn't want y'all to know. And Shawn could lose his job."

"Okay, I won't say a word mainly because he's the best teacher I ever had." I sigh in relief.

"Now what was this argument between you and Greyson." She tells how he did a big gesture for her last year for homecoming because they weren't a couple yet but this year he just asked because they are already dating.

"He said that there's no point since we are dating which just ticks me off. Just because we have been together for a year doesn't mean the romance is gone."

"So you want him to do a big gesture because it will show how much he loves you."

"Well yes, but he won't."

"Because he thinks you're saying that you don't know how much he loves you and he has to prove that he does. But Paris love can't be measured by gifts or gestures. Love is made up of all the little things barely any of the big ones." I tell her hoping she understands. I don't think either of them is completely right but I do see both sides and can find common ground.

"When's the first time you realize were in love with Greyson?"

"After my brother went away for college I didn't get the sweet the truffles every game day because only the football team would get them and he would give them to me. I told Greyson about it and he started to give me his after he made the team and that was when we were still friends."

"See that wasn't some grand gesture just a friend being nice."

"Yeah it really wasn't but it's still in my top five. Okay, I see your point he loves me and he doesn't always have to do a grand gesture to prove it."

"Gimme your phone?"


"Just give it to me," I say and she hands it over and I dial Greyson number.

"Hey, it's Talia. Where are you?"

"I'm at the football field realizing how much of an ass I am. I'm assuming she told you, can you tell her to meet me here. I'm doing that grand gesture she wanted."

Teacher ✎ Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now