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It's been over an hour since Negan has left and I guess the whole wife thing kinda got to him so he may be with his wife's right now having a good time (if you know what I mean) because he is not gonna get it out of me

So I sit here bored as crap because I have nothing to do I think of something that makes me smirk and I'll probably end up dead after I'm done to I go over to the drawers and look at all of his clothes and I smile to myself 'let's get to work' I thought as I take out my knife and start cutting and ripping his shirts and pants and let's not forget boxers because what's the fun if you don't accomplish the whole task

As I get done I hear people coming down the hall way and I put back the clothes and run over to a chair and sit in it and act like I'm bored so he won't get suspicious about what I did

"Hello sweetheart I'm back" he said smirking and I rolled my eyes at him

"Took you long enough I guess all of those wife's were all over you weren't they" I said

"Oh is someone jealous" he said getting closer to me and I laugh

"Yes I'm totally jealous, you caught me" I said sarcastically

"Well I'm gonna get changed I'll be back for you" he said winking and I smiled as he got some of his clothes and went to the bathroom

"WHY IS THERE HOLES IN MY SHIRT" he yelled and I couldn't help but laugh

'Hehehe this isn't the last of it not even close' I thought

The Walking Dead: Daryl's daughter (Carl x reader)Where stories live. Discover now