We were making the brownies in an electric cooker. It was a sunny day and I was sweating. Only the bedroom had air-conditioner. Jin was sweating too, he pushed his bangs back and pulled his tee and kept it at the counter. He was now only in his sweatpants.

I was definitely checking him out. Him with his forehead exposed radiates a different kind of energy and his shoulders are my weakness. Broad shoulders with a tiny waist and abs. Why is he with me? I barely have something called boobs or curves.

He came closer to me trapping me between him and the counter. He groaned "It's so hot." and then placed his head on my shoulders. I replied "Then get away from me."

Just then the timer started ringing. Jin went to check the brownies. And he told me to help him bring them out. We placed them on a plate and then poured chocolate sauce on top of it.

Since my family is rich enough, so is Jin I decided to waste a little chocolate sauce. I take the bottle and squeezed it aiming towards Jin's face. His right cheek and lips were covered with it and a little was dripping. I laughed while he take his hand to touch it. Then he wiped it on my face. He then grabbed the bottle and squeezed it all on me while I was begging him to stop.

He then ask "Ugh you added so much work now." we look at the dirty kitchen counter and floor. I told "Let's eat the brownies then clean it, after that let's take a bath."


We were done and clean. But we still had time. We were now laying on the bed facing the ceiling with the air-conditioner on. I casually asked "Hey, I was wondering how do you have such broad shoulders?" he replied "You could say genes and also exercise. Why you got a kink or something?" I replied "Can't I just ask without having a kink?"

Just to mention Jin and I never got intimate. It's just that we are really close and talk about anything. We also bicker alot. All these things doing without being serious.

I ask him out of blue again "I want to ask another thing but I feel like you will be mad at me. Why are you dating me secretly when you have a beautiful wife? You got better choices you know."

He sighed and face me "Look at me y/n." I turn to face him. He said while caressing my left cheek "Why did you ask this? Is anything bothering you?" I nod and said "I feel guilty, whenever I see your family. I don't feel enough. Your wife is so good looking and has that mature curves. And you are here looking fine as hell while I'm just so ugly. So why did you choose me? It all feels wrong too."

He pecked my lips and said "Who said you are ugly? You are beautiful. First of all, I like you and that matters the most. Even though as you said Minyong has those curves, I don't feel connected to her. We don't match up too well. After our marriage she changed alot, making me regret marrying her. And on the other hand you are such so amazing! I have never had someone like you. How am I not supposed to like you? You are the better option here. And you feeling guilty, don't feel it. Think about how happy you are making me. Someday, I promise you that we can go out in public without worrying."

I replied while smiling "I feel like crying and I'm very much flattered." he replied "Was it too emo?" I nod and say "For me it was. And you might not feel the same but I love you Jin." he blink and look at me saying "I think I need a little time for that. Please don't be mad."

I replied "Ofcourse not. I understand it's just been few weeks for you to catch feelings for me." he corrected me "Months actually, since you became legal."

I ask him yet another question "What made you to make that move on me? What if I rejected you or didn't like you?" he furrowed his brows and asked me "Why are you so curious today?" I shrugged. He replied "Okay so, how can you not like such a beautiful face? And I knew it since you were a fetus that you like me. It was obvious, who eats a banana like you did when you were 13?"

I started yelling gibberish, response to me being cringy and embarrassing years back. He continued talking about the stuffs I did as a kid to seduce him. I tried to get up from the bed but he pulled me back to his chest. He said while laughing "Okay okay I won't do it anymore. Calm your tits." I stayed silent and buried my face in embarrassment on his chest.

He whispered in my ears "It was cute to me. You have always made me feel so special." I asked looking up at him "Am I special for you?" he replied "Of course."

I asked "But honestly, didn't I ever made you feel something or gave a boner while I did those cringy stuff?" He replied confidently "Nope, that would have been creepy."

I replied "Yeah, yeah. But you dating someone of your daughter's age is not creepy huh?" He hugged me tightly and softly said "Shut up."

We lay there for few more minutes before getting ready to leave.

Yeah okay. I need your opinion. Should I end this story here or like add another part of this with smut? Or u want another story more than a smut? If u want I can add smut in the next story. Or just a one shot smut.

I'm confusion*Pouts*

BTS Age Gap One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now