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all i smelt was pennies. my hands began to shake. "kate!" i yelled her name again. my feet were glued to the floor. tears heavily fell from my eyes and down to the top of my clothes. "ahh, she's here." a deep voice that rattled my memories spoke. "let's get her shall we?" the voice spoke again. my heart stop beating when a pair of slick black shoes poked from around the living room wall. my eye followed up his leg and all the way to his face. my heart thumped once as i saw his face before i tried to run out the door. but before i could a large man shut the door and stared down at me. "p-please no.." i whispered to him shaking my head side to side.

but my pleads went to deaf ears. the man grabbed my arms and carried me towards him. "no! please! no no no!" i cried screaming my lung out. "sit her down right here hugo, in front." his slimy voice hummed happily. the large man dropped me to my knees and i saw all the blood already surrounding me. my eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my face. my mouth hung open but no air was coming in or going out. i saw the man begin to step away but i quickly clung to his pants to make him stay still. i can't see what was in front of me. i can't! i can't! i can't! i heard a grunt and then a sharp pain was on the right side of my face. the force of me being hit by something cold made me let go of his pants.

i saw everything. blood. bodies. mr. and mrs. river. they were laid on top of one another, both with stab and gun holes all over their bodies. my body was shaking so violently i couldn't see straight. sobs began to bubble up to my throat or was it vomit, or both. "oh oh oh wait not yet!" mark spoke excitingly. "hold in all that until you see the main event." he heaved. i couldn't tear my eyes away. tears were streaming down my face and a loud ringing was in my ears. mark dropped something in front of me and as soon as my mind clicked on what it was a blood curling scream ripped through my lungs.

"kate!!" i screamed. "kate!!!!" i screamed again not breathing. i crawled toward her limp body and shook her. i didn't care about the blood that i was slipping around in. i reached her and pulled her on my lap. "kate please!!" inhumane noises escaped my lips. that's when her head fell back. my eyes slammed shut and i screamed as loud as i could. i couldn't get it out of my head! the bullet hole dead smack in the middle of her forehead. i clung to her body while sobs poured from my lips. "oh that's beautiful!" mark cooed. i looked up feeling completely lost to see him with my camera. he was taking pictures. "wait, how rude of me." he clicked his tongue. "you wanted to take the pictures right? let's switch." he said with sharp eyes.

he motioned for hugo to come back. i shook my head violently as he pried me off of kate's cold body. i whimpered when she fell to the floor with a thud. the large man hugo sat me where i was before as mark shoved the camera into my chest. "take pictures." he demanded into my ear. my body just continued to shudder. i heard him sigh and his clothes shift around. something cold pressed to my temple making tears flow harder out of my eyes. "you know. if you would've read the letter i sent yesterday. they'd still be alive long enough for you all to die together." mark said simply kneeling down next to me. "i-i-i read it-t" i forced words out through sobs. "tsk tsk tsk, no you didn't. i had my sweet friend deliver this invite personally. the letter was given to your lover boy." he chuckle pressing the gun deeper into my head.

i shook my head and opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off by hitting me again. "take the fucking pictures!" he screamed at me. i shouted with fear and began snapping pictures. the flash from my camera filling the horror scene in front of me. he removed the gun and stood up. "i can kill you now and save myself the wait." i tried to drown him out with the sound of the pictures falling on the floor. "but then what i have planned for you is way better. it'll be a double hitter!" mark laughed slapping hugo on his shoulder. my eyes hurt from the flash constantly going off but i couldn't blink. i heard his footsteps come back toward me.

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