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my eyes locked onto the small clock on the night stand. eleven forty eight at night. everyone should be asleep by now, the jet lag was making me beyond tired so hopefully tom and the extra men where asleep too. i flung the blanket off of me and stood up scanning my room for my luggage. thankfully one of the men had brought it in. i yanked it onto the bed and unzipped it. i pulled out a pair of black skin tight jeans, a tight red off the shoulder long sleeve body suit, and my pair of blank ankle boots. i was going to take kate's advice and go out. if i was going to get murdered, i'd rather do it on my own terms. i quickly changed into the new outfit and checked on my hair in the mirror. it was messy, but a sort of okay messy that makes it look intentional.

i peaked out of the door and sure enough the lights were out. "okay," i breathed out and left my room. i looked towards the opposite room, the light was on. i stood up straighter and thought about tom, and what was keeping him awake. i shook my head, i needed some me time. i needed to explore this new area i'm in. i slowly tip toed to the front door and pressed my ear to the wood. "shit," i breathed out. i heard men talking. i kept listening to their conversation. "i got to take a leak." one man said plainly. "go take a piss then jared." another said chuckling. it was silent for a few moments. "you seriously don't know where it is?" the one that spoke second groaned. "hey my jobs to stand here, not fucking scout out restrooms!" jared i'm guessing defended himself. "fuck man, we gotta be quick! follow me!" the other said hurried.

well that's a convenient coincidence. i opened the door after a few seconds to make sure they were gone. making sure they weren't in this direction at all i took my chance and ran for the elevator. i quickly pressed the lobby floor and the doors shut. "i will never get that lucky again," i mumbled to myself. the elevator doors opened to the empty lobby, only the staff were hanging around chatting. i slowly walked towards the front desk tucking a hair behind my ear. "um, excuse me?" my voice squeaked. a woman and man looked at me with bored eyes. "where is the closest night club?" i shoved my hands into my pockets, "walking distance?" remembering the fact i have no money. "yeah, um club trio." the woman said.

"oh yeah! super fun! just two streets away!" the man perked up. he grabbed out a map behind him and circled i'm guessing what was the hotel and another spot on the map, which would be club trio. i nodded a thank you and left. the air was warm and the breeze was slightly cooler. i looked down the map and my feet went right. as i was walking in the direction of the club, i felt a wave of relief and satisfaction with myself. i was taking my life by the horns and doing what i want without worrying. a giggle escaped me lips as the breeze blew threw across my cheeks. when i turned a corner my ears picked up on up beat music. i quickly stuffed the map into my back pocket and picked up my pace. i saw a line ahead of me, a small smile in my lips. waiting to get in shouldn't be an issue, right? i twiddled with my fingers in the somewhat long line, every now and again i'd get on my tippy toes to see how close i was getting.

i felt a tap on my shoulder and my body jolted. "oh shit! i'm sorry! i definitely did not mean to scare you!" a husky laugh came from the direction of the poke. "um it's alright?" i chuckled nervously peering behind my shoulder. "well anyway i just wanted to tell you, you're killing that outfit! that shirt choice with your shoulders and neck- uhf! i wish i was in your skin!" he complimented me, and the way he did made my head spin around to face him. he was wearing a deep pink button up with black leather pants, his shoes were platform combat boots and he had a feather earring dangling from his left ear. "th-thank you! that's really sweet!" i smiled uncontrollably as i thought about a trait of his. "anytime baby doll! first time here?" he winked at a person walking passed us. "uh yeah, how'd you know?" i twisted a piece of hair in my hands. he let out a snort and grabbed my shoulders, "honey, take a look at this line really quick." i nodded my head and looked around- huh there was a lot of men. a gasp left my lips as i looked back at the man who was now laughing lightly.

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